Windows Project
St Mary's is nearing 100 years old and the windows have served us well. Our last Quinquennial inspection highlighted that they are in need of significant repair. We are also aware that our single glazing is not efficient and in a time when we are trying to reduce our carbon footprint, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) have decided that we should renew the windows with double glazing and aluminium frames. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS IN THE EAST SANCTUARY.
The PCC have considered many options for the windows and the most cost and effective and environmentally friendly are double glazed units with aluminium frames. The windows will
Reduce loss of heat from the building
Reduce the buildings carbon footprint
Provide an aesthetically pleasing finish in keeping with the architecture of the building
Improve the sound insulation of the building
Improve security of the building
Improve the safety of the building.
Reduce on going maintenance costs for the church
We have received three quotations for the replacement of the windows and the PCC has made a decision to award the contract to NEG Architectural Systems Ltd. Designs are being drawn up for for the windows including a dark grey frame, obscured 'Minster' glass and leaded design in sympathy with the current designs but with increased size of each square to allow more light. We require a 'Faculty' from the Diocese (Essentially church planning permission) and need to raise the funds for the work which equates to around £90,000 pounds. This will be divided equally between
Money from church reserves
Money from grant applications
Money raised by fund raising and donations (perhaps in memory of a loved one or in celebration of an event.
You may want to consider sponsoring a window yourself or with a group of friends. The cost per window is estimated to be £1,000.
It will be impossible for the new windows to be look exactly the same as the old as they will not be recessed into the wall but will have an aluminium frame. The frame profile has been kept to a minimum to ensure we allow as much light as possible in to the building. Design 1, below is the preferred design with fewer panes of glass to allow in more light.
Design 2 is closer to what we have currently but may reduce light when taking into consideration the window frame.