The redevelopment of St Mary's grounds is finally coming together...hurrah! We will soon be at the exciting stage of installing the plants. The total cost of these are almost £2000. Thanks to the generosity of Dave Haddock and his nursery we are getting these at cost price which represents a huge saving for us.
If you would like to donate the cost of a plant, the plants range in price from £1.58 for a Euonymous to £85 for a Magnolia tree. You can donate in a number of ways, and it's up to you if you want us to know who it is from. The most direct way to do this is by clicking to view plant costs below, and then clicking below to donate. If you do this, please email the office so we can check for your donation.
You can also:
Speak to Cheryl Savage
Put your money in the box at the back of the church
Donate at the office in an envelope marked PLANTS or by card
Transfer money using BACS and reference it PLANTS
Thank you for supporting our grounds redevelopment in this way!