Worship with us this Sunday!
Use the links below to find out about our services, to sign up to join us in person (where required), or to access our live stream video. See below for a reminder of our latest Covid measures >
Join us in person! Go to our Services & Worship page to find out about all of our upcoming services. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
Join us Online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live for our 10am Sung Eucharist, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
This Week's News

St Mary's is an excellent venue for music, and we are delighted to be relaunching our Concert Series next week. We will have a publicity campaign, and a dedicated page of the website--this year with the option to purchase tickets online, as well as from the Church Office.

The Series of evening concerts and afternoon recitals will kick off on 25th September with a Gala Opening Concert from violinist Bradley Creswick MBE with David Murray, performing Elgar’s Violin Sonata in E Minor and Bartók’s Rhapsody No. 1.
Be sure to check your email inbox next week when we launch--there will be an early bird discount for tickets!

Mothers' Union - Mary Sumner Day
This Monday 9th August is the day the Church of England commemorates and celebrates the life of Mary Sumner, founder of the Mothers' Union. In 1876 Mary Sumner, a clergyman’s wife living in Hampshire, became concerned about how local mothers related their Christian faith to family life. Wanting to encourage them she founded a small group which she called the Mothers’ Union, which called women of all social classes to support one another and to see motherhood as a profession as important as those of men, if not more so. She lived to see it become a worldwide organisation, now with millions of members.
The MU are holding a Special Service on YouTube at 3pm on Monday 9th August, which you can watch below, or via their channel. You can visit the Mothers' Union website here.
60th Anniversary of the Opening of Alnmouth Friary
On Saturday, 14th August Bishop Christine will be celebrating a celebratory Eucharist (to a limited number of invitees) for the 60th anniversary of the opening of Alnmouth Friary. "Please remember the Franciscan Brothers and Guardian of The Friary in your thoughts and prayers as they plan the future as restrictions lessen". Many thanks, Ruth Blake.
If you'd like to find out more about the Franciscan brothers, you can visit their website here.
Autumn Fayre
As you know, our Autumn Fayre will be different this year as it is being organised on line. However, we still need offers of help with the organisation and providing things to sell. Ruth Blake is co-ordinating the home produce stall and she would be delighted to hear from anyone who can at this stage pledge to make something. If you can help with cakes jam, chutney, marmalade etc. please email Ruth 22ruthblake@gmail.com
More details about the fayre in the coming weeks but please contact either Sue or David our Wardens or Liz Hayes, PCC Lay Chair if you can help in any way. Thank you.

The Link Newspaper
The August edition of The Diocese of Newcastle newspaper "The Link" is available by clicking the link below.
Funeral of Ann Dodgson
Ann’s funeral took place on Thursday 5th August at St Mary’s. If you missed the service, it is still available on our YouTube Channel here.
Elections to General Synod
Elections are being held this year for representatives of dioceses on the General Synod for the next five years and the nomination period is now open from Friday 30th July to noon on Wednesday 8th September. If you have any questions about the elections please contact:
elections@newcastle.anglican.org or visit
the General Synod pages of the diocesan website.
The Diocese of Newcastle is invited to elect:
three proctors to the House of Clergy; and
three members of the House of Laity.
Information and details about standing for election to the General Synod for the next five-year term 2021-2026 can be found using this link
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Sunday 8th August, 10th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Monday 9th August, Mary Sumner, founder of the Mother's Union, 1921
3pm Mothers' Union Service online
Tuesday 10th August, Lawrence, Deacon & Martyr, 258
9am Morning Prayer
Wednesday 11th August, Clare of Assisi, Founder of the Minoresses, 1253
9am Morning Prayer
10:30am Holy Communion
Thursday 12th August
No morning prayer today.
Sunday 15th August, 11th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
12pm Baptism of Brogan Fearne Watson
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
Congratulations to Revd Clare Connors
"Bishops Christine and Mark have just written to me to let me know that I have passed my curacy. I’m not Clare the Curate any longer! I will be staying on at St Mary’s as an Associate Priest for the next two years as well as continuing to work for the NHS as a chaplain. Thank you for all your love and support during the last three years". --Clare
Thank You from Rachel
I am completely overwhelmed by the generosity shown to me at my last service on July 25th. Your kind words, gifts and prayers will go with me and although the phrase hardly covers it - thank you, from me and from Jon, Sam and Edie. You will always be in my prayers and I'm sure I will be paying some archidiaconal visits at some points in the future.
With thanks and all best, --Rachel
Our Sunday Singers
Over the next month many of our team of singers are away at various times so you will not see our quartet at the front. It is good that we can now all sing together although behind our masks at present, so any singers will be spread throughout the congregation and be singing with you for the Mass setting and the Offertory hymn after the Peace. The singers will resume their usual position in September!
Save the date
We’re holding a fun & fundraising event for Christian Aid - “THE BIG BREKKIE” - on Saturday 4th September, between 9 and 11am in Church. There’ll be breakfast rolls and baked goods to set you up for the day, along with a competition and quiz to test your wits. Or just come along for a coffee and a chat - feel free to invite your family, friends and neighbours too! Donations of cakes, scones, biscuits etc. for a cake stall would also be very much appreciated - please let Margaret Evans know, in person or at margaretevans.wb@gmail.com, if you’re able to make a contribution.
Food Bank
Just a reminder that now the church is a bit more open, our Food Bank collection point in the vestibule is up and running. If you have any items you can spare, bring them on a Sunday and leave them in the box. If you're not sure what items you can bring, The Bay Foodbank has all the information you need here:
Parish Office Closed
As usual, the Office in church will be closed throughout August, and will reopen on Wednesday 1st September. Any emails and phone-calls will be answered remotely during this period.
Roadmap out of Lockdown:
A reminder of our latest Covid Measures (valid from Sunday 25th July 2021)
All government restrictions have ended, but we have been following the latest Church of England advice to ensure that we can continue to worship together safely and with confidence.
Some measures are being relaxed, moving our worship slowly towards the way things were pre-Covid, but some measures are being retained for now. Please do get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.
Measures we are keeping:
The wearing of masks.
The sign-up for the 10am Eucharist (not essential but helps to speed up the arrival process).
Doors open for ventilation.
Hand sanitiser available.
Rows of seats will be well spaced.
Washing and sanitising for the President and Deacon at the Preparation of the Altar and Distribution of Communion.
We will not be sharing the wine at Communion yet.
We will not be having regular refreshments after the 10am Eucharist yet.
The 10am Eucharist will continue to be live streamed.
At the 8am Holy Communion, no changes will be made from current practice.
Elements we are relaxing/introducing at 10am:
Introduction of a traffic-light sticker system: you can choose a red, yellow or green sticker to wear, which will show others immediately how comfortable you are with social interaction.
We will be responsible for our own distancing and seating arrangements. Please be bold in sharing your preferences with others around you. This is particularly important at the Peace, which may be shared physically (with immediate neighbours), with their consent.
We will be able to sing (if masks are worn; just the Eucharist Setting and Offertory Hymn to start off with).
We will come up to the front for Communion.
The Noah's Ark children's corner will be available for little ones.
Increase maximum capacity (though still retaining spaced seating).
Removal of the one-way system (i.e. exit via the Main (West) Door).
For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for
Martin Cooper
Lucinda & her children
Maggie Hollis
Alison Young
Ron House
Maureen Roberts
Peter Schofield
Rest in Peace
Maureen Johnstone
Ann Dodgson
Leslie Lee
Derek Hayes (Anniversary)
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
This Week's Hymns & Readings
If you find these readings and hymns useful, please let us know.
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