Come and join us in church this Sunday 23rd August 2020 for a Service of the Word. To help us prepare we are asking that you let us know you're coming. You can do that by clicking below, or by leaving a message on the office answerphone.

If you aren't able to join us in church, you can still join in from home. The service is LIVE from 09:45am on Sunday, then available as a video all week.
Parish Eucharist & Patronal Festival
Good news: after many months, we will return to our Parish Eucharist as the main service of the week, starting on Sunday 6th September at 10am, which coincides with our Patronal Festival (the Sunday nearest the Birth of Mary, the mother of Jesus, when we celebrate the dedication of our church to St Mary.)
There will be a few changes to our normal, pre-lockdown service, in line with Church of England guidance on celebrating Holy Communion, but it will be a joy nonetheless. We hope to be able to open the doors to a few more people too, but more info nearer the time!
Live Stream Technical Issues
I'm so sorry to everyone that tried to tune into our service last week. I rejoiced when after so many issues, we were actually live, only to discover later that people couldn't hear it! To make matters worse, a drop in the internet cut the whole thing short at the intercessions.
The online service is so important to those joining in from home, and I know problems these last couple of weeks have led to disappointment.
On paper the process is simple, but unforeseen errors are proving difficult to manage. But please be assured that we are trying our best to provide for everyone. If you would like to help with this side of things, please do get in touch. Otherwise, please be persistent, be patient, and pray!
We are planning to hold our Annual Parish Church Meeting on Sunday 20th September at 11:30am. This year, because of restrictions around meeting we are hoping to hold the meeting online via Zoom (like the Coffee Morning). Once things have been finalised we will make sure everything is explained fully, plus there are ways in which those without the internet can join via telephone, or by sending in postal votes, and we are exploring all the options to make sure everyone can be involved. There will be more information nearer the out for more details!
A new vision for Music: First Steps
As we start to think about the future of music at St Mary's, we have devised a short survey to get us thinking more broadly about what we find important, as well as the role of music in the liturgy, and the role of the people of God in music-making. Taking a couple of minutes to answer these short questions will help to get the ball rolling, so we can start creating a new vision for music.
You can submit anonymously, or you can add your name. The survey questions are below, or you can click here to complete them via the SurveyMonkey website.
Thank you for all your handbags!
We have received these beautiful bags for the women in our North Tyneside Refuge from "Love Grace x". This is a charitable initiative set up in memory of Grace Millane. Grace was unjustly taken from her family on the eve of her 22nd birthday whilst backpacking around New Zealand. Grace’s family have been working with The White Ribbon charity to raise money, and this has gone towards educating at a grass roots level about the issues of domestic violence & violence against women. However as a family they wanted to do something for the women that have suffered. So after seeing a social media post about filling an unwanted handbag with toiletries the idea for Love Grace was born. They worked with local refuges to set up a handbag appeal; they discussed the sort of things the women in their refuges would appreciate, and set up an appeal with friends & family. Each bag has shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste & toothbrush. They then try to fill them with as many luxuries (or things we take for-granted) as possible: make up, body lotion, perfume, hair brushes, note-books etc. Each bag is then tied with white ribbon and a tag telling the ladies a little about Grace and reminding them that they matter. We just wanted to say a massive thank you for thinking of us and for your kind donations.❤️
Ann Elliott
Thanks from Clare
Many thanks for all the lovely flowers, cards and messages of sympathy you’ve sent me after my Mum’s death. I have felt supported and cared for by my lovely church family.
Happy Birthday Edna
We send birthday greetings to Edna Davis who will celebrate her 98th birthday on Friday 28th August. After her recent spell in hospital Edna is now being cared for at home. Congratulations Edna and love from all your Church family.
Flowers in Church
The flowers in church for last Sunday were from John & Elizabeth Charlton and family with loving memories of John & Ellen Charlton and John & Ellen Monaghan. Photographs are below so those who haven't been to church can see:
New Book: Scripture Messages
Copies of Derek Burton’s book ‘Scripture Messages’ are available free of charge. (Any donations from members to parish funds would be appreciated). Let the office or Derek know if you’d like a copy.
"I recommend Derek Burton's book for many reasons. It is a well organised collection of talks and messages on extracts based on the Bible. It is informed and illustrated with stories and examples, as well as references to other parts of the Bible. This book makes you want to read more of the chapter from which the texts are taken. Above all it is a candid testimony to the power and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to change and enrich lives. It has integrity. A good book, I think to use for Bible study, as it aims to point to a personal relationship with Christ. More than ever it is relevant today in our beautiful but disturbed and chaotic modern world."
Rosemay Dunlop
Plants Sale for Church Funds
Last year, Dave Haddock, who was running the Tai Chi class in our hall, brought a selection of plants and shrubs to our Autumn Fayre. He is now offering to sell some of his plants which he grows in his Wallsend nursery garden, and he will deliver if local. 30% of sales will be donated to St Mary’s, so be sure to mention St Mary’s when you order!
So far £130 has been raised through this scheme!
Order from Dave Haddock: tel. 0191 2524985, mob. 07976 687973, or email: View the Catalogue below.
Church Open Times
Morning Prayer is on Wednesdays at 9am, and the church remains open until midday for private prayer.
The Office is still working remotely, as is the norm in August. Any phone messages or emails will be checked regularly and correspondence could be popped through the letterbox in the north door and will be responded to as soon as possible.
Do let us know if you or others are celebrating any special event or anniversary or if you have any news you wish to share and we can put this news into our future email letters. You can do this by leaving a message on the church office answerphone 0191 251 4216 or email at:
For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for
Martin Cooper
Emma Campbell
Michael Hampson
Olya Bouchard
Edna Davis
Jonathan Jackman
Rest in Peace
Edward Warden
Marina Pratt (Anniversary)
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list. You can also use the form on the website here to submit a prayer request online.
Hymns & Readings from this Sunday's Service
First Hymn
O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
our shelter from the stormy blast,
and our eternal home.
Beneath the shadow of thy throne,
thy saints have dwelt secure;
sufficient is thine arm alone,
and our defence is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
or earth received her frame,
from everlasting thou art God,
to endless years the same.
A thousand ages in thy sight
are like an evening gone;
short as the watch that ends the night
before the rising sun.
Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
will bear us all away;
we fade and vanish, as a dream
dies at the op'ning day.
O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come,
be thou our guard while troubles last,
and our eternal home.
Isaac Watts
Tune: St Anne
First Reading
I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters,by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritualworship.Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.
For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.
Romans 12: 1-8
Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, but others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven.And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rockI will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”Then he sternly ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he wasthe Messiah.
Matthew 16:13-20
Second Hymn
Brother, sister, let me serve you; let me be as Christ to you; pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too. We are pilgrims on a journey, and companions on the road; we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. I will hold the Christlight for you in the nighttime of your fear; I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear. I will weep when you are weeping; when you laugh I'll laugh with you; I will share your joy and sorrow, till we've seen this journey through. When we sing to God in heaven, we shall find such harmony, born of all we've known together of Christ's love and agony. Brother, sister, let me serve you; let me be as Christ to you; pray that l may have the grace to let you be my servant too.
Richard Gillard
Tune: The Servant Song
Service Full Transcript
We send out a full transcript of the service to those who don't have internet access. If you would like to download it, you can do that here:
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