11th Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 28th August

Bishop John Packer will be presiding at 8am Holy Communion, and Revd David Elkington at 10am Sung Eucharist. Nicola Denyer will be preaching at both services.
Hymns (at 10am)
Alison Rudd playing organ:
305 I Danced in the Morning (Trinity Request by Clare Peel)
88 Brother, Sister, Let Me Serve You (Trinity Request by Carol Nesbitt)
Communion Hymns:
200 Gifts of Bread and Wine
457 My God How Wonderful
419 Lord, the Light of your Love (Trinity Request by Dorothy Daniels)
Eucharist setting (at 10am)
David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Appointment of our new Vicar

We recently announced the appointment of Revd Nigel Taylor, currently Team Rector of Kidderminster Ismere in the Diocese of Worcester. Although Nigel and Kate will be sad to be leaving Kidderminster where they have been settled for 7 years, Nigel felt a strong call to apply for the post in St Mary Monkseaton and they are both now excited at the prospect of a new adventure following that call. They look forward to meeting the congregation and people of the parish and becoming established in the community in another beautiful part of the country. We continue to pray for Nigel and Kate, and look forward to welcoming them into our church community.
12th Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 4th September

Revd Audrey Elkington will be presiding and preaching at both 8am Holy Communion and 10am Sung Eucharist.
Wednesday 10.30am Services
Wednesday 7th September will mark the resumption of Wednesday 10.30am Holy Communion, on this occasion with Revd Peter Dunlop. On Wednesday 31st August, the church will be open for private prayer from 10.30 – 11.30am for the final time.

The next OWLS meeting is Friday 9th September at 12 noon - we are looking forward to seeing everyone back after the summer! Please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule by Sunday 4th September for me to order lunches.
Many thanks, Beryl.
Alison Rudd Organ Recital

We would love you to join us at St Mary's when there will be a wonderful organ recital by Alison Rudd on Sunday 11th September at 3pm. Alison is organist at Alnmouth and Lesbury churches and also plays at St Mary's when needed. Alison's programme includes music by J.S. Bach, Böhm, John Stanley, Franck and music from Norway and Northumbria. Admission to this concert is free, but there will be a retiring collection to support our Church and Concert Series. Please do still claim a free ticket, as this helps us to better prepare for the concert. There will be refreshments from 2.30pm.
Autumn Fair Saturday 29th October

We are very excited to announce the date for our upcoming Autumn Fair! This fantastic, annual event is a highlight in the St Mary's calendar, and Grace or Tom would love to hear from you promptly if you can help with:
A stall on the day
Contributions of boxed jewellery, plants, good quality unwanted gifts
Jams or cakes (in this instance please contact Ruth)
From the end of August onwards, an online auction website will be set up to take bids for all 'high class' items generously donated. Arrangements for receiving goods must be made with Tom.
We look forward to planning and holding a fabulous event, and are grateful for all your support.
Easyfundraising for St Mary's

Did you know you can raise funds for St Mary's through easyfundraising? Just start your online shopping through the easyfundraising website, then shop as normal. Retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”. Click below to get started!
Church Office
The office will be open on Monday 29th August 8-9am and 3-5pm, but closed for the rest of the week. The answer machine will continue to be checked regularly for urgent messages.
Normal office hours of 9.30am - 12.30pm weekdays will resume from Monday 5th September.
Notices and Prayer list There will be no notices next week as the office is closed. If you have a prayer request, please leave a message on the office answer machine (0191 251 4216) or add it to the paper list on the notice board outside the office.
REMINDER: Trinity Choice
The choir would like to invite you to choose your favourite hymns to sing during Trinity season. Just sign up on the sheet and Mike and Penny will place them in appropriate services.

Sunday 28th August
11th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Monday 29th August
8-9am Office open
3-5pm Office open
Tuesday 30th August
Wednesday 31st August
9am Morning Prayer
10.30-11.30am Private Prayer
Thursday 1st September
Friday 2nd September
Sunday 4th September
12th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Monday 5th September
Normal office hours (9.30am-12.30pm weekdays) resume
Wednesday 7th September
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Communion with Revd Peter Dunlop
5.30pm Young Notes
6.30pm Choir
Thursday 8th September
7pm Women's Institute in Church
Friday 9th September
12pm OWLS lunch
Your Prayers are requested for
Lewis Carmichael
Donna Hanson
Ron House
Ruth Wolf
Rest in Peace
We pray for those who have died
Rest in Peace Anniversary
Canon Alan Porteous
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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