Worship with us this Sunday!
Use the link below to find out about our services, to sign up to join us in person (where required), or to access our live stream video. See below for a reminder of our latest Covid measures >
Join us in person! Go to our Services & Worship page to find out about all of our upcoming services. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
Join us Online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live for our 10am Sung Eucharist, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:

Flowers in church
The flowers in church today have been given by Eileen Bell and family in loving memory of Tom.

An invite for a cuppa with cake
Thelma & family would like to invite you to stay for a cuppa & cake after the 10am service today to celebrate her birthday. Or just pop in when the service is finished.

Honorary School Chaplains
Ben has (along with Revd Steve Dixon, Vicar of Holy Saviour Tynemouth) been appointed Honorary Chaplain of King’s Priory School. We already enjoy a strong link between St Mary’s and King’s Priory School, and we look forward to working with them more closely over the next academic year.
A few photos from our walk to the promenade and beach to celebrate our Patronal Festival last Sunday.
Rachel’s Installation
For anyone who missed the service last Sunday, here is the live stream of the Collation and Installation of Rachel as Archdeacon of Northumberland.

Covid 19 Update
After due consideration, taking into account the number of cases in North Tyneside and children returning to school, it has been decided that the current arrangements in church will remain in place for September. Please be assured that it will be kept under review.

Nicola's Commissioning
Our Lay Reader Nicola will be commissioned in her role as Lay Ministry Development Officer for the Diocese of Newcastle. Bishop Mark will lead the service which will be held at St Nicolas Church in Gosforth on Monday 13th Sept at 7.30pm. If you are attending this service please let Jane Nattrass know by emailing: nattrassjane@aol.com.
Note: masks are requested for this service.
If you'd like to view the service via Zoom please register in advance: click here >
100 Club
September winners are: £50 Marion Oakes, £30 Carol Nesbitt and £20 Ron Davis.
Sunday 12th September, 15th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Monday 13th September, John Chrysostom, bishop
9:30am-11am Toddler Group
Tuesday 14th September, Holy Cross Day
9am No Morning Prayer today
Wednesday 15th September, Cyprian, bishop
9am No Morning Prayer today
10:30am Holy Communion
Thursday 16th September, Ninian, bishop & apostle of the Picts
9am No Morning Prayer today
Sunday 19th September, 16th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Monday 20th September, John Coleridge Patterson, bishop & companions, martyrs
9:30am-11am Toddler Group
Thank you for your prayers
My cousin, Maggie, thanks you for your prayers and is now feeling much better having recovered from double pneumonia and sepsis. Cheryl.
A massive thank you to all my friends at our church for your care, concern and prayers for me over the past few weeks. I have been inundated with cards, flowers and messages of good wishes. I am recovering well from surgery and hope to be back at church very soon. Thank you once again. Liz Hayes.

A prayer for September 11th
This Saturday is 20 years since 11th September 2001 when the World Trade Centre in New York was attacked.
You are invited to pause and pray for those who lost their lives, their loved ones, and all who have been impacted by the ensuing wars in the Middle East, especially those in Afghanistan at this time.
O Almighty God, who brings good out of evil,
and turns even the wrath of your children towards your promised peace: Hear our prayers this day as we remember those of many nations and differing faiths
whose lives were cut short by the fierce flames of anger and hatred. Hasten the time when the menace of war shall be removed. Cleanse both us and those perceived to be our enemies of all hatred and distrust. Pour out the spirit of peace on all the rulers of our world that we may be brought through strife
to the lasting peace of the kingdom of your Son; Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for
Martin Cooper
Lucinda & her children
Alison Young
Ron House
Maureen Roberts
Peter Schofield
Sylvia McDougal
Graham Reynolds
Kathleen Dales
Judy Ross
Rest in Peace
Tom Bell (Anniversary)
Please also pray for Chester Theo Summers who will be baptised here at St Mary's on Sunday 19th September at 12noon.
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
Announcement from David, Sue & Liz

As most of our community know, Rachel is being installed as the Archdeacon of Northumberland on Sunday 5th September.
This means we only go into 'vacancy' from Monday 6th September. Of course, we still have Clare, Ben and the other staff members, so other than there being no Rachel, all should appear smooth on the surface. But underneath, we're all paddling like mad. There's a lot that needs to be done and we (Sue, Liz and David) have already met with Tim Mayfield, the Area Dean, and have another meeting booked shortly. As of Monday Liz, Sue and David can start preparing the Parish profile officially but this will take some time. After we're happy with the profile, we'll start the recruitment process for our next vicar. Please pray for us and bear with us as we undertake these tasks for our parish and we will do our very best to respond to queries or sort things out.
David and Sue (churchwardens)
Liz (Chair of PCC)
Welcoming Sarah!
We were thrilled to welcome Sarah Harrison as our new Parish Administrator. Sarah lives in the parish with her husband and two young children, and we are really excited to be welcoming her to our church and community. Please do come and say hello! The office is open each weekday morning from 10am to 12noon.
NEST responding to Afghanistan conflict
The city of Newcastle is getting ready to welcome 300 asylum seekers as a result of the conflict in Afghanistan. NEST (a charity based at the University that supports refugees and asylum seekers) are putting together 300 care packages for refugees and urgently need our help. They are asking for donations of: Shower gel, shampoo, hair brushes, flannels, spray deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap. Please get in touch with Nicola if you have anything to offer.
Children's Society
Many thanks to those of you who are still able to collect money using the Society's collecting boxes. We are now able to resume contact and would be grateful if anyone needing their box emptied would bring it to the office during September or let us know and we'll pick it up.
As with many things, the Children's Society is looking at how things will work in the future.
On Friday 1st October from 2-4pm, there is a Children's Society supporters meeting at St Alban's church hall Earsdon, to learn about local projects and discuss the good childhood report. I am able to take someone with me if anyone is interested. Please let us know by 12th September. Rick and Sue Channing
Singing/Performing at St Mary's
Offer your musical talents at St Mary's. Please email Mike and Penny at music@stmarysmonkseaton.org.uk with your name, mobile number, voice / instrument, so we can start getting to know who is interested and arrange music and rehearsals.
Concert Series 2021 - Tickets available now!
Use the discount code EARLYBIRD10 when ordering for a 10% discount. Tickets are also available from the Office between 10am and 12noon every weekday. Tickets for the Bradley Creswick Concert are selling fast so do secure yours as soon as possible!
St Mary's Concert Series needs a TV screen for advertising in our church vestibule. If you have a redundant widescreen TV we could borrow until the end of the year to advertise concerts then please contact David Lax by email on: dlax09@gmail.com. Many thanks.
Roadmap out of Lockdown:
A reminder of our latest Covid Measures (valid from Sunday 25th July 2021)
All government restrictions have ended, but we have been following the latest Church of England advice to ensure that we can continue to worship together safely and with confidence.
Some measures are being relaxed, moving our worship slowly towards the way things were pre-Covid, but some measures are being retained for now. Please do get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.
Measures we are keeping:
The wearing of masks.
The sign-up for the 10am Eucharist (not essential but helps to speed up the arrival process).
Doors open for ventilation.
Hand sanitiser available.
Rows of seats will be well spaced.
Washing and sanitising for the President and Deacon at the Preparation of the Altar and Distribution of Communion.
We will not be sharing the wine at Communion yet.
We will not be having regular refreshments after the 10am Eucharist yet.
The 10am Eucharist will continue to be live streamed.
At the 8am Holy Communion, no changes will be made from current practice.
Elements we are relaxing/introducing at 10am:
Introduction of a traffic-light sticker system: you can choose a red, yellow or green sticker to wear, which will show others immediately how comfortable you are with social interaction.
We will be responsible for our own distancing and seating arrangements. Please be bold in sharing your preferences with others around you. This is particularly important at the Peace, which may be shared physically (with immediate neighbours), with their consent.
We will be able to sing (if masks are worn; just the Eucharist Setting and Offertory Hymn to start off with).
We will come up to the front for Communion.
The Noah's Ark children's corner will be available for little ones.
Increase maximum capacity (though still retaining spaced seating).
Removal of the one-way system (i.e. exit via the Main (West) Door).
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