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2nd Sunday before Lent, Sunday 20th February 2022


2nd Sunday before Lent, 20th February

Join us on Sunday at 8am Holy Communion or 10am Sung Eucharist.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel

Readings this Sunday:

Hymns: 565, 359, 41

Eucharist setting: David Thorne, "Mass of St Thomas"


February PCC Meeting Agenda

Our PCC works hard on behalf of the church and we are always trying to improve our practices. Recently we discussed communication and agreed to place the agenda for our monthly meetings in the weekly notices and then, once they are agreed, the minutes for our meetings will be published in the same way.

Agenda business currently discussed at every PCC Meeting:

Finance, Building and Resources, Prayer and Worship, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Covid-19 update and Interregnum.

Key additional items for February Meeting:

Grounds Redevelopment, Eco Church, Sound System, Lay Licences, Fundraising/Annual Fayre, Children’s Work, LLF, General Synod.

To see the agenda in full, please see below.

Liz Hayes, Lay Chair PCC


Toddler Group Half Term

There is no Toddler Group this week because of the school half term.


Anyone for a rubbish start to the weekend?

Whitley Bay Rotary club are having a litter pick on the sea front, Saturday 19th February, 10am - midday. It is an event to support the Rotary Club's "Day of Service". All helping hands welcome.

Meet at Briardene car park (free on a weekend) at 9.45am.

North Tyneside Council are supporting Rotary and supplying bags and grabbers, but bring your own if you have them, along with some gloves. Event will be cancelled in extreme weather conditions.


LENT 2022

Lent starts on Wednesday 2nd March. You might wish to join our Lent Course, or follow the Church of England's #LiveLent programme.

Lent Course 2022

This year we are joining our neighbours for the Deanery Lent Course, which is called "What's the Story?". The course starts on Wednesday 9th March and meets once a week for five weeks, following five parables from the gospel of Luke to see how these stories speak into the stories of our own lives today.

There will be sessions available in person and online (via Zoom), and there will be sessions in both in the afternoon and evening, so as many people can partake as possible.

If you would like to express an interest in this course (with no commitment), please sign up below.

Live Lent: Embracing Justice is the Church of England's theme for Lent 2022. It invites us to examine our own lives truthfully, to see the world more deeply and to pray - for the church and the world far and near - that 'justice may roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream' (Amos 4.24).

For each day of Lent, there is a daily Bible reading, a short reflection and a prayer, as well as a practical challenge. Each week follows a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God works with humanity to bring justice, wholeness and salvation to all.

The booklet costs £1.99 (Kids £1.50) and is available to buy online below.


Saturday 19th February

9:45am Rotary Litter Pick at Briardene

5.30-6.30pm Young Notes

Sunday 20th February

2nd Sunday before Lent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

11.45am LLF Session 2 (rearranged)

2pm Baptism

Monday 21st February

9am Morning Prayer

9.30am No Toddler Group

Tuesday 22nd February

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 23rd February

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

6pm Choir practice

7.30pm PCC meeting

Thursday 24th February

9am Morning Prayer

Sunday 27th February

Sunday next before Lent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

11.45am LLF Session 3


Your Prayers are requested for

  • Lucinda and children

  • Martin Cooper

  • Mary Cooper

  • Alison Young

  • Ron House

  • Maggie Hollis

  • Daniel

Rest in Peace

  • Philip Brook

Please also pray

  • For the baptism we have at St Mary's at 2pm Sunday 20th February.

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

Crucifer and Server

As part of returning to our pre-Covid worshipping practice, we are looking to bring back our crucifer (who carries the cross) and server (who helps to prepare the altar). Would you be interested in sharing in this ministry? These roles have usually been undertaken together by one person, but that need not be the case. If you would like to volunteer, or know more about what would be involved, speak to a member of the staff team or a warden.


Living in Love and Faith

LLF continues this week with session 2 on Identity. Don't worry if you couldn't make it last week, you are still welcome to attend. If you have any queries, contact Nicola . The accompanying booklet can be found below.


Home Communion

It is permitted to distribute Holy Communion at home to the sick and the housebound. If you are in need of this ministry, please contact the office, a member of clergy, or a pastoral contact. A small number of lay people are licensed to distribute Holy Communion at home. If you are interested in joining this team, get in touch!


100 Club

Congratulations to all the February winners from our 100 club:

  • £50 Malcolm Macdonald

  • £30 Alan Wolf

  • £20 Julia Jones (claimed on behalf of the late Sylvia McDougle RIP)


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