Worship with us this Sunday!
We have reopened for public worship! Use the links below to sign up to join us in person, or to access our live stream.
Join us in person! Go to our Services & Worship page to see upcoming services and sign up. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
Join us Online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live for our 10am Easter Eucharist, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
New this week
Flowers in Church

The flowers in church this week are in loving memory of Canon Sue Hart, missed by all of us especially the laughter, the shoes and the language!
Our Annual Parish Church Meeting will be held on Sunday 25th April at 11:15am in church. There is a dedicated page on our website where you can view the report booklet, plus details of how to attend, and how to stand for election to the PCC. You can sign up to attend the meeting in person by clicking this link: Sign up to attend the APCM >
Easter Greetings from Gelsenkirchen
Those of you who remember the exchanges with churches in Gelsenkirchen in the 1980s may be interested to know that Holger Schlemmer, one of those involved, joins us for worship every Sunday morning via our YouTube stream. He sent Easter greetings to us and to the congregation - and also from Pastor Jochen Dom, Pastor Hansjurgen Herpul and other friends from those days - both via the chat facility on YouTube and in Easter cards. If anyone would like further information please contact us. David and Carole Lax
Many thanks!
Thank you to everyone at St Mary’s for the cards, flowers and kind wishes you sent to us for our Golden Wedding Anniversary. We have lovely memories of the day despite the restrictions in place at the moment. Elizabeth & John Charlton
Sending thanks!
We send very grateful thanks to all involved in arranging the flowers both in church and outside over Easter and to anyone else who helped to make church looking so lovely. It looked fantastic! Here are some photos of the various areas of our wonderful church.
Easter Eggs and Bonnets
Congratulations to all our Easter egg and bonnet competition winners. We have a seascape from Elodie, a great vicar egg from Harry and bonnets from Astrid, Orla and Sophie. Well done everyone!

New Baby
Congratulations to Laura and Tony Bennett (our 6th WB Cub Scout leader) on the safe arrival of their first baby - a beautiful daughter Jessica Grace, born on Sunday 28th March. We send love, hugs and best wishes from all at St Mary’s.
Derek's book 'A Light to my Path'
Derek Burton has an article in the Newcastle Reader magazine about his book ‘A Light to my Path’. You can look at the article here: Page 1 > Page 2 >
Diary & Reminders
Tuesday 13th April: 2pm Welcoming, Integrating & Caring (WIC) group meeting via Zoom.
Wednesday 14th April: 9am Morning Prayer; church open until midday for private prayer.
Wednesday 14th April: 7.30pm Standing Committee via Zoom.
Sunday 18th April: 10am Eucharist for the 3rd Sunday of Easter.
St Mary’s Electoral Roll
The deadline for any additions or changes to our Electoral Roll is the 11th April. The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Electoral rolls provide an indication of the real membership and strength of the church. Any baptised adults (16 years or over) who live in the parish, or those who have worshipped regularly at St. Mary’s for at least six months and are committed to being part of the life of the local Church of England congregation are able to join the Electoral Roll. Contact Rosie by email at rosietate@me.com if you aren’t on the Electoral Roll already as now is the time to join!
Holy Week Services
If you missed any of the services over Holy Week and Easter, you can catch up with them on our YouTube Channel.
100 Club
Our April winners are: £50 Nicola Scully; £30 Revd Benjamin Jarvis; £20 Jacqueline Ballantine.
The Link Newspaper for April
"The Link", the Diocese of Newcastle Newspaper is available online.
For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for
Jonathan Rodd, Jennifer Stephenson, Olya Bouchard, Don, Alan and Margaret Stears, Rose Ketteringham, and Martin Cooper.
Rest in Peace
Grenville Jones
Frank Muscat
Canon Sue Hart (Anniversary)
Evelyn Beton (Anniversary)
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list. You can also use the form on the website here to submit a prayer request online.
This Sunday's Hymns & Readings
Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page. Sign up below to receive our weekly email by joining our mailing list.