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2nd Sunday of Easter, Sunday 24th April 2022


2nd Sunday of Easter

Sunday 24th April

On Sunday we will be joined by Canon Peter Dobson from Newcastle Cathedral who will celebrate at both services. The Preacher will be Nicola Denyer.

  • 8am Holy Communion

  • 10am Sung Eucharist


Hymns (at 10am) Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel



Sunday 24th April 11.30am 2022

At the APCM there will be reports on changes to the electoral roll, general parish activities and financial matters. The APCM will also elect new members to the PCC.

You can view the APCM booklet by clicking below.


Thanks from Ben

Dear Friends, I was very touched by the kind words, cards and gifts which sent me on my way after our Easter services. I will be at the Cathedral on placement for four months, and will return to St Mary's in September. I look forward to seeing you soon--and in the meantime, I am still at the end of my phone or email if you want to keep in touch. ---Ben


Easter Day Dawn Service

Below you can view the St Marys YouTube video of the 5.30am Dawn Service on Easter Day. The service is not included with the other Easter Services on our YouTube channel.


“Older People” Spirituality Group, Friday 13th May 1pm

First of all thank you for your support and good wishes for my commissioning as an Anna Chaplain last month. It has been a whirlwind for me since then and because of being struck down with Covid I don’t seem to have seen many people to say thank you, but I did appreciate that you were thinking of me. I have now started to slowly to work in the parish and am happy to visit you at home if any of you, or friends and family you know would like a visit.

The other plan which has been in the pipeline for far too long, due mainly to Covid restrictions, is now ready to be launched on Friday 13th May at 1pm. I hope as many of you as possible will come to the meeting and sandwich and cake lunch to discuss what you would like this group to be and do, and also what you would like to call it!

I hope to welcome lots of you so that this new venture can lift our spirits and enable us all to move forward after a difficult time. Friends and non church members are very welcome. For catering purposes can you please sign up on the sheet in the table in the vestibule by Sunday 8th May so that I can order food.

I look forward to seeing you, to talk and share food. Thank you, Beryl Austoni


Whitley Bay Fiesta - volunteers required!

Sunday 5th June (Jubilee Bank Holiday Weekend)

Can you give some time to help with the Fiesta on Sunday 5th June? There are lots of opportunities to help - setting up (before church), stewarding during the event, packing away at the end of the Fiesta. This is a great opportunity for you to be involved in this wonderful community event.

For more information and/or to sign up please contact: Andrew Foster ( or 07837 737 712)


Christian Aid Swap shop and soup lunch in Church, Saturday 21st May

This is an opportunity to recycle those random lock down purchases and replace them with something more satisfying. Please sort out anything suitable for a table top sale, bring it along on the day and be prepared to take it home if it doesn’t find a new owner.

Margaret Evans


A message from Ruth Blake

Thank you for holding my childhood friend, Ron House, in your prayers. Ron is terminally ill and paralysed now from the waist. He has a strong faith, is comfortable, relatively pain free, has wonderful support and many visitors. Please continue to hold Ron and Judith in your prayers even if his name is not on our prayer list. Many thanks.


Dave Haddock - Plant sale

This year we are again offering to sell plants with a 30% donation of the plant value going to church funds. Available are a selection of shrubs, climbers, herbs and herbaceous plants from our nursery garden in Wallsend. Plants are very reasonably priced to cover costs of compost, water, feed and delivery. Please contact the office for a plant catalogue, should you be interested.


REMINDER: Concert Series 2022

Tickets and programme information for the entire Concert series is available via our dedicated page: click the button below to find out more. You can use the discount code EARLYBIRD10 to get 10% off all tickets bought before 29th April.


REMINDER: Holy Communion

Advice for Wine at Holy Communion From Maundy Thursday onwards you will be able to receive both bread and wine at Holy Communion if you wish. Please bear in mind the following:

  • You should not feel pressured into receiving the wine unless you feel comfortable to do so.

  • You must not 'intinct' the wafer, i.e. if you are going to receive the wine, you must drink from the chalice, not dip your wafer into it. Whilst this seems simple, it can dirty the wine, as well as contaminate the wine for those who require gluten-free communion.

  • Please do not receive the wine if you are unwell; our advice is still to stay at home if you are sick--for whatever reason.

  • You do not have to be consistent. If you would like to receive one week, and not the next, that is fine. There will be no judgment on your spiritual practice.


Sunday 24th April

2nd Sunday of Easter

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

11.15am APCM

Monday 25th April


9.30am Toddlers

Tuesday 26th April

George, patron of England

Wednesday 27th April

9am Morning Prayer

5.30pm Young Notes

6pm Choir practice

Thursday 28th April

Friday 29th April

Catherine of Siena

Saturday 30th April

7.30pm Bradley Creswick Concert

Sunday 1st May

3rd Sunday of Easter

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist


Your Prayers are requested for

  • Sandra Laurie

  • Lewis Carmichael

  • Martin Cooper

  • Daniel

Rest in Peace

  • Margaret Grace Burke


  • We pray for Beatrice Macfarlane, to be baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 1st May.

The flowers in church are in memory of Sue Hart from Richard and family.

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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