We warmly invite you to join us this Sunday at St Mary's for the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany!
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
2nd Sunday of Epiphany

Join us Sunday 16th January for our 8am and 10am services.
Eucharist setting: David Thorne, "Mass of St Thomas"
Office Closed
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the physical office will not be open until further notice. Emails and phone calls will however be responded to as usual, so please continue to get in touch as needed. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Church Fair

We can now share the final total and breakdown from the Autumn Church Fair.
Personal Donations: £630
Card Donations: £600
Online: £36
Autumn Fair Takings –
Cash: £1328.76
Cheques: £350
Barclays Bank Matched Funding: £1500
Gift Aid: £551.19
Total: £4995.95
What an achievement - thanks to everyone for their support and generosity!
Funeral Services at St Mary's

The following funerals are taking place at St Mary's to which all are welcome.
Audrey Beckham RIP
Monday 17th January 2.45pm
Heather Rivers RIP
Friday 21st January 1pm
Richard Stokes RIP
Tuesday 25th January 1.45pm
Some of these services are also being live streamed, so if you cant attend in person you may be able to watch online here
News from Clare
I’ve just been promoted to Clinical Lead Chaplain in the chaplaincy team I work with. This means I’ll be working full time from early February and will have to give up some of the things I do in the parish. I’ll still be around … just not as much! Clare Connors.
Mothers' Union
There will not be a Mothers' Union meeting in January. The next meeting will be the A.G.M. on Tuesday 15th February 2022.
Vacuum cleaners needed
The various vacuum cleaners in church and the hall are all very much past their best, despite our best maintenance efforts. If anyone has a spare they don’t need, in good working order, could you let either David Tompkins or John Charlton know, and we’ll be delighted to take it off your hands. Alternatively contact the office. David Tompkins, Warden.
Saturday 15th January
5.30-6.30pm Young Notes
Sunday 16th January
2nd Sunday of Epiphany
8am Holy Communion
10am Choral Eucharist
Monday 17th January
9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Toddler Group
2.45pm Funeral of Audrey Beckham
Tuesday 18th January
9am Morning Prayer
Wednesday 19th January
9am Morning Prayer
10:30am Holy Communion
7.30pm PCC Meeting
Thursday 20th January
9am Morning Prayer
Friday 21st January
1pm Funeral of Heather Rivers
Saturday 22nd January
5.30-6.30pm Young Notes
Sunday 23rd January
3rd Sunday of Epiphany
8am Holy Communion
10am Choral Eucharist
For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for
Rhona and Douglas Lawrie
Martin Cooper
Alison Young
Ron House
Maggie Hollis
Rest in Peace
Michael Clifford
Audrey Beckham
Heather Rivers
Richard Stokes
Margaret Adams
Pat Baker
Georgina Grand
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
100 Club
Congratulations to all the January winners from our 100 club:
£50 Hazel Howliston
£30 David Tompkins
£20 Edith Smeatham
Next Bishop of Newcastle Survey
If you would like to contribute to the process of finding our new Bishop, please complete the survey below. The survey closes at midnight, Friday 14 January 2022. Alternatively please speak to Nicola, as sits on the Vacancy-in-See committee which oversees the appointment process.
Sign up below to receive our weekly email by joining our mailing list.