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3rd Sunday after Trinity, 28th June 2020

A Message from Rachel

Finally, some good news! Many of you will have heard by now that churches can open again for services of public worship from 4th July.

At St Mary's, we want to make sure that any service held is at a time when as many as possible can gather together, to worship God, to pray for our community and one another and to reflect on all that has happened since we were last in the building in March. Some of our congregation will still be shielding until August or will not be able to gather for various reasons and there are others who have been joining us for services online who do not usually join us on a Sunday in person. We are really keen to enable all these different groups to engage and participate in our services as much as they are able. This presents some issues around how to keep things as safe as possible, which in turn affects the numbers who will be able to attend in person, as well as the technology needed to include those who are unable to be in the building. The Staff Team, Wardens and PCC are thinking these issues through carefully and the Government and the Church of England nationally are also still updating the specific implications of this announcement.

We are really keen to see everyone again and are planning to open for public worship as soon as we can. We expect that we will be able to do this safely, and with everything in place to broadcast online, on Sunday 12th July. In the meantime, services will continue to take place via video on our website and we are open for private prayer on Wednesdays and Saturdays between 10am and Noon.

If you have any questions or concerns then do get in touch with us via email or phone in the usual ways.

Revd Canon Rachel Wood



Church Open for Private Prayer

As mentioned above, the church is now open on Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10am – 12 noon, for Private Prayer.

This has been thought about carefully and there are various protective measures in place to make the building as safe as possible.  On entering church there will be notices displayed with guidance and advice.  Please read and do your best to follow them. We ask that everyone observes social distancing and stays 2 meters apart. Face coverings can be worn along with anything else that makes you feel protected.

The office is not accessible during these times but Dot and Carol are still working from home and can be reached via email and phone. If you wish to leave any correspondence then please post it through the north door. Thank you for your patience during these very different times.

You can watch the video below to see what to expect when you visit for prayer

Prayer Resources

We have a dedicated page on our website for prayer resources. Go to where you will find prayers for use at home or privately in church, links to other prayers, reflections and podcasts, and you can also submit prayer requests online.

100 Club

The 100 Club winners for June are: £50 Hazel McLeod, £30 Pat Redpath, £20 Hazel Howliston.

A Message from Roger about St Mary’s 100 Club 2020/21

As June rolls into July the excitement of another 100 Club year looms. It promises to be a bumper year too. We have been locked down for so long that we have hardly spent anything and may have extra funds to invest or perhaps more accurately donate to St Marys.

Last year the 100 Club raised £1295 for church funds which went mainly towards the costs of cleaning the church hall.

For £25 a year you are entered into twelve monthly draws with the chance of winning £50, £30 and £20 or in December £100, £50 or £30.

As we won’t be in church normally for a little while, Ruth Blake will be unable to use her persuasive charms to encourage membership, but St Marys will be most grateful if you will join or re join the scheme.

All you need to do is transfer £25 using online banking to St Marys 100 Club, Sort Code 20-62-09 Account No. 53160653. Alternatively, drop off a cheque made payable to St Marys 100 Club or even cash. Please post or deliver either to me at 61 Brierdene Crescent, Whitley Bay, NE26 4AD or to church. (The letter box is in the north door.)

I would appreciate if existing members could send me an email or text confirming payment. If you are a new member, I will need your name and address. A contact email address or phone number would be useful too so that I can confirm receipt and deliver your winnings to your home!

Many thanks to the 51 people who have so far signed up. Halfway there and still going strong.

Roger Windass and team,

Ruth Blake, Margaret Campbell and David Tompkins | 0191 2528048 | 07989 973 352

Coffee Morning

Our Online Coffee Morning is a success, and we will be keeping it going. If you are able to join us online between 10:30am and 11:15am on Tuesdays we’d love to see you.

Go to ‘Events’ on our website: to RSVP and get a link to join via Zoom. You would need to click on RSVP and enter your name and email address and click on ‘submit’. An email is then sent to you with a link to the Coffee Morning. If you haven’t already got Zoom, you can get it for free on your computer, tablet or phone. You could download it now from

Do let us know if you or others are celebrating any special event or anniversary or if you have any news you wish to share and we can put this news into our future email letters.  You can do this by leaving a message on the church office answerphone 0191 251 4216 or email at:

Daily Hope Phone Line

“Daily Hope” offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line. The line – which is available FREE, 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during this period of restrictions in mind. You can select options to listen to Prayer during the Day and Night Prayer and a ‘Hymn Line’ which offers callers a small selection of hymns and reflection.

Plants Sale for Church Funds

Last year, Dave Haddock, who was running the Tai Chi class in our hall, brought a selection of plants and shrubs to our Autumn Fayre. He is now offering to sell some of his plants which he grows in his Wallsend nursery garden, and he will deliver if local. 30% of sales will be donated to St Mary’s, so be sure to mention St Mary’s when you order!

Order from Dave Haddock: tel. 0191 2524985, mob. 07976 687973, or email: View the Catalogue below.

A ‘Thank You’ Message

Dear Friends, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and good wishes during my Covid 19 illness and my current period of recuperation and recovery.  It has been a traumatic time, particularly for my sister and her family, especially while I was in Critical Care.  I owe my life to those who cared for me in hospital and I have no doubt that the prayers and support of so many people across the Diocese and beyond -many of whom I will never know - also aided my recovery.  I am so grateful to be able to say I am a "Covid Survivor".  I am now at home working towards recovering from the effects left by this disease.  I know that it will be a long and slow journey and I need to be patient with myself as I build up my strength and hopefully regain my mobility.

With grateful thanks and all good wishes,

Lesley Towers,

PA to Bishop Christine



Your Prayers are requested for

Martin Cooper

Catherine Connors


Shelagh Goodwin

Emma Campbell

Norman Searle

Nancy Richards

Kate Davson

Olya Bouchard

Jacqui Hamilton

Michael Hampson

Rest in Peace

Don Wellman

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list. You can also use the form on the website here to submit a prayer request online.


This Week's Church Service

From Sunday morning, CLICK HERE to watch this week's online Church at Home service. A full text transcript 'Service leaflet' with all the readings etc. included, is available by clicking the link below.


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