3rd Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 3rd July
8am Holy Communion
Presiding: Bishop Mark Bryant
10am Sung Eucharist
Presiding: Revd David Elkington
2 Kings 5: 1-14
Galatians 6: 1 -16
Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20
Hymns (at 10am)
The Kingdom of God 646
Father, Lord of all Creation 163
Make me a Channel of your Peace 437 (requested by Carol Nesbitt) - Communion Hymn - congregation please join in!
Living Lord 411 (request Carol Nesbitt and Sue and Rick Channing)
Anthem - The Lord's My Shepherd by Stuart Townend - requested by several people (congregation are welcome to join in)
Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Young Piano Players' Afternoon
2pm and 3.30pm Sunday 3rd July

We would love you to join us for an afternoon of relaxed performances by Fiona Gould's young piano pupils. We are lucky enough to host two separate concerts; one starting at 2pm and the next at 3:30pm. Audience welcome at one or both concerts, with refreshments served in the interval.
Admission to this concert is free, but there will be a retiring collection to support our Church and Concert Series. Please do still claim a ticket, as this helps us to better prepare for the concert.

Work begins on the gardens on Monday 4th July (Hurrah!). There is no pedestrian access to cross the site. You will still be able to enter the hall and church but it may not be through the main door.
If you would like any plants from the gardens please help yourselves. A donation towards the cost of the new plants would be appreciated. Site clearance will not begin for a few days so you have time to bag a bargain!
Please DO NOT take any of the lavender plants from in front of the consecrated garden, by the entrance path, as they will be reused.
PCC Meeting Tuesday 28th June 2022
PCC met on Tuesday 28 June and we made decisions around finances which include charging for the utilities used when people hire our facilities. We also had an update on the interregnum and the interviews for our new vicar will take place later this month. To read the minutes from PCC meeting in May, click below.
Eco Church: Recycling tablet blister packs

Some single use plastics are difficult to stop using and one of them is the blister packs all our tablets come in. Superdrug has set up a scheme through Terracycle, to recycle them, while raising funds that are donated to Marie Curie. Our nearest Superdrug store, taking part in this, is in Newcastle, on Northumberland Street. If you would like to recycle your empty blister packs, please put them in the box, under the table in the vestibule. (No plastic or paper bags and no cardboard drug boxes, just the blister packs please.) These will then be taken to be recycled. Marion
Eco Church: National Bats in Churches Survey
St. Mary’s was approached earlier in the year to take part in the above survey. This is happening next month. In the afternoon of Monday 25th July a volunteer for the survey will be coming to do an inspection of the church, for any bat activity. Bat detection equipment, will be left in the chancel. This will be active from 7pm and overnight, on the 25th and 26th and will pick up any bat and any other noises. There are no meetings or gatherings on these two evenings and leaving the church in complete silence would be the ideal situation. If you do have to enter the church for any reason, please be aware of the noise detection equipment. I will let you know the outcome. Marion.
The Rev'd Canon Richard Hill
Please remember The Rev’d Canon Richard Hill in your prayers. Eileen served her title with Richard at All Saints’ Gosforth from 1993-1996. Yesterday Richard celebrated his 50 years anniversary of ordination to the priesthood and we thank God for his ministry in this diocese and beyond.
REMINDER: Traidcraft
The next Traidcraft stall will be on Sunday July 10th
REMINDER: St Mary's Fayre
The Fayre will happen again! So Tom says never too early to sort out unwanted attic treasures or gifts. We will have an online presence for items that can’t go for less than. Contact Tom if in doubt.
REMINDER: St Mary’s 100 Club 2022/23
St Mary's would be delighted if you would consider joining our 100 Club. The club makes a fantastic contribution to church funds, which is most appreciated. For £25 a year you are entered into twelve monthly draws with the chance of winning £50, £30 and £20 or in December £100, £50 or £30.
How can you join?
Transfer £25 using online banking to St Marys 100 Club, Sort Code 20-62-09 Account No. 53160653.
Alternatively, pay by cash or by cheque (payable to St Marys 100 Club). This can be posted or delivered to me at 61 Brierdene Crescent, Whitley Bay, NE26 4AD, or to church (should it be required the letter box is in the north door).
Pay by card at the church office during office hours, 9.30am - 12.30pm weekdays.
I would appreciate if existing members could send me an email or text confirming payment. If you are a new member, I will need:
your name, address, and a contact email address or phone number so I can confirm receipt and deliver your winnings!
With thanks, Roger Windass
rkpwindass@gmail.com 0191 2528048 (home) 07989 973 352 (mob)
REMINDER: Live Stream Services
There is currently only one camera in operation for live stream services. Normal service will resume as soon as possible.
REMINDER: Trinity Choice
The choir would like to invite you to choose your favourite hymns to sing during Trinity season. Just sign up on the sheet and Mike and Penny will place them in appropriate services.
REMINDER: MU July meeting Tuesday 19th July 2.30pm
So that we have some music to accompany our Strawberry Tea in July please let me have some suggestions - Show songs, solo pieces, jazz, orchestral excerpts, choral etc. Everything considered! I will then put them into a pre- recorded playlist. Many thanks. Carole Lax

Sunday 3rd July
3rd Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
2pm Pupils of Fiona Gould concert 1
3.30pm Pupils of Fiona Gould concert 2
Monday 4th July
9.30am Toddlers
Wednesday 6th July
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Communion - Revd Peter Dunlop
5.30pm Young Notes
6pm Choir practice
Sunday 10th July
4th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
12pm Baptism
Your Prayers are requested for
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
Marjory Robinson
Donna Hanson
Ron House
Tina Tompkins
Rest in Peace
Michael Ingham
Rest in Peace Anniversary
Malcolm W Hudson
Peter (Tony) Arnott
William Lavery
We pray for Florence Hetherington, who was baptised here last week
We pray for Charlotte Robinson, who will be baptised here next week
In memory of Mona Connard
We pray for
The Rev'd Canon Richard Hill on the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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