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3rd Sunday before Lent, Sunday 13th February 2022


3rd Sunday before Lent, 13th February

Join us on Sunday at 8am Holy Communion or 10am Sung Eucharist.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel

Readings this Sunday:

Hymns: 686, 77, 144

Eucharist setting: David Thorne, "Mass of St Thomas"


Crucifer and Server

As part of returning to our pre-Covid worshipping practice, we are looking to bring back our crucifer (who carries the cross) and server (who helps to prepare the altar). Would you be interested in sharing in this ministry? These roles have usually been undertaken together by one person, but that need not be the case. If you would like to volunteer, or know more about what would be involved, speak to a member of the staff team or a warden.


Living in Love and Faith

LLF continues this week with session 2 on Identity. Don't worry if you couldn't make it last week, you are still welcome to attend. If you have any queries, contact Nicola . The accompanying booklet can be found below.


Young Notes

It was so wonderful to have our Young Notes junior choir singing at our recent Candlemas service. New members are always welcome, so if your children are interested in being a part of this fun singing group, get in touch with Penny or just turn up this Saturday at 5.30pm!


Home Communion

It is permitted to distribute Holy Communion at home to the sick and the housebound. If you are in need of this ministry, please contact the office, a member of clergy, or a pastoral contact. A small number of lay people are licensed to distribute Holy Communion at home. If you are interested in joining this team, get in touch!


Saturday 12th February

5.30-6.30pm Young Notes

Sunday 13th February

3rd Sunday before Lent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

11:30am Concert Series Committee

11.45am LLF Session 2

Monday 14th February

Cyril and Methodius

9am Morning Prayer

9.30am Toddler Group

11am Toddlers volunteers catch up and cleaning

Tuesday 15th February

9am Morning Prayer

12.30pm Funeral of William Mood followed by refreshments also in church.

7.30pm Staff Meeting

Wednesday 16th February

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

6pm Choir practice

Thursday 17th February

Janani Luwum

9am Morning Prayer

Saturday 19th February

5.30-6.30pm Young Notes

Sunday 20th February

2nd Sunday before Lent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

11.45am LLF Session 3

2pm Baptism


Your Prayers are requested for

  • Lucinda and children

  • Martin Cooper

  • Mary Cooper

  • Alison Young

  • Ron House

  • Maggie Hollis

  • Daniel

Rest in Peace

  • Philip Brook

  • William Mood

Rest in Peace Anniversary

  • Rev Clem White (Priest)

  • John Cure

The flowers in church on the 13th February are in memory of John Cure from Judith and family.

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.


Southridge Women's Institute

If you would like to forge friendships, learn new skills and make a difference in our community, you are very welcome to Southridge Women's Institute, which meets monthly at St Mary's. For more information, please contact the office.


Mothers' Union A.G.M

The A.G.M is to be held on Tuesday 15th February at 2.30pm in the CHURCH HALL. Papers for the A.G.M. are in the church vestibule. Gillian Macdonald


100 Club

Congratulations to all the February winners from our 100 club:

  • £50 Malcolm Macdonald

  • £30 Alan Wolf

  • £20 Julia Jones (claimed on behalf of the late Sylvia McDougle RIP)


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