3rd Sunday of Easter
Sunday 1st May
8am Holy Communion
Presiding: Revd John Packer
10am Sung Eucharist
Presiding: Revd Clare Connors
Hymns (at 10am) Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel

Bradley Creswick and his 'Western Swingfonia'
On Saturday, we welcome Bradley Creswick to St Mary's to launch our Concert Series! His newly extended 'Western Swingfonia' will feature a mixture of gypsy, American traditional music and bluegrass, as well as old favourites such as Monty’s Czardas. Please click the button below for more information and also for tickets!

St Mary's Hall - Polling Station
Thursday 5th May 2022
A reminder that on Thursday, the Church Hall will be in use as a polling station. All groups who use the hall will be meeting elsewhere.
“Older People” Spirituality Group, Friday 13th May 1pm
Come along for a sandwich and cake lunch, and to discuss what you would like this group to be, do, and also be called! The hope is that this new venture can lift our spirits and enable us all to move forward after a difficult time. Friends and non church members are very welcome. For catering purposes can you please sign up on the sheet in the table in the vestibule by Sunday 8th May so that I can order food. Thank you, Beryl Austoni
Christian Aid Swap shop and soup lunch in Church, Saturday 21st May
This is an opportunity to recycle those random lock down purchases and replace them with something more satisfying. Please sort out anything suitable for a table top sale, bring it along on the day and be prepared to take it home if it doesn’t find a new owner.
Margaret Evans

Saturday 30th April
7.30pm Bradley Creswick Concert
Sunday 1st May
3rd Sunday of Easter
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
12pm Baptism
Monday 2nd May
No Toddlers
Tuesday 3rd May
2pm WIC Meeting in Church
Wednesday 4th May
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Communion
5.30pm Young Notes
6pm Choir practice
7pm SC Meeting via zoom
Thursday 5th May
Church Hall Polling Station
Friday 6th May
6-9pm Private Piano Concert
Sunday 8th May
4th Sunday of Easter
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
3pm Fiona Gould Recital
Your Prayers are requested for

Sandra Laurie
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
James Paul Walker (baby)
Alice Holt
Rest in Peace
We pray for those who have died
Rest in Peace Anniversary
Richard Jarvis
We pray for Beatrice Macfarlane, to be baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 1st May.
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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