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3rd Sunday of Lent, Sunday 20th March 2022


3rd Sunday of Lent, 20th March

Join us on Sunday at 8am Holy Communion or 10am Sung Eucharist.

We welcome as our guest preacher Revd Emma Duff, Vicar of St John the Evangelist, Wallsend. Emma will also be sharing with us some of the challenges that her church faces.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel



Hymns (at 10am) 412, 458, 69 Eucharist setting (at 10am) Grayston Ives "Salisbury Service


PCC Meeting March 23rd 2022

The PCC will hold its March meeting on Wednesday 23rd at Whitley Bay Golf Club. In addition to all the usual items, it will address Lay Licence renewals, the rising costs of utility bills, Church and Hall hire charges, Sound System update, Scouts Report and need for volunteers for PCC to support our Church following the APCM in April.

You can download the March PCC Agenda in full below.


Ever since the first fund-raisers campaigned for the building of a new church on Claremont Gardens, St Mary's has depended on the generosity of its community. Over 90 years later, we still rely on your giving to sustain our mission and ministry.

You can help in various ways and we would be grateful if you would consider

  • making a one-off donation either by clicking the button below, or in person at church by cash, card or cheque.

  • committing to giving regularly by standing order; this is the best way to support us. You can arrange this yourself using the details on our Giving page, or complete a giving form in church.

  • updating your existing arrangements to help us better cope with rising costs.


Remembering St Mary's in your Will

If you are able, please consider leaving St Mary's a gift in your will, and you can not only ensure that our church continues to grow and thrive, but offer a final and powerful expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving to God. Pick up a leaflet from church which explains how you can do this.


Responding to Ukraine

When faced with the suffering in Ukraine, Bishop Mark has suggested three ways we can allow God to work through us: to pray, to give and to welcome. Read his response in full by clicking below.

Thank you also to those who joined with others on Tuesday evening to pray for peace in Ukraine and the wider world at Whitley Bay Baptist Church, as part of Whitley Bay Churches Together.


Ukraine Donations at St Mary's

Thank you to all who have generously donated practical items for those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. The collection point at St Mary's is now closed, but anyone wishing to support those in need can still give financially to the DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) appeal: donations will help provide clean water, emergency shelter, food, health assistance, sanitation and hygiene, protection and trauma counselling to those affected.


Concert Series 2022

Our Concert Series 2022 Box Office is now open! Tickets and programme information are all available via our dedicated page. Click the button below to find out more.

Like last year, you can use the discount code EARLYBIRD10 to get 10% off all tickets bought before 29th April.


Thanksgiving Service for the late David Bottrill

Pat and family warmly invite you to a service of Thanksgiving for the life of David on Saturday 26th March at 11.30am in St Mary’s.


Electoral Roll

This year's APCM of the Parish of St Mary the Virgin, Monkseaton will be held at 11:15am­ on Sunday 24th April 2022, in church (after the 10am Eucharist).

As well as reporting on general parish activities, financial matters and electing new members to the PCC, the electoral roll of St Mary's will be reviewed.

If you worship with us regularly and are not currently on our electoral roll, please either complete a hard copy (available on the table in the vestibule) or click below to download and print your own copy.


Data Consent Form Deadline

Anyone who receives communication from St Mary's should complete this form, keeping our records in line with UK law on data protection.

The deadline to complete your data consent form is Sunday 20th March. You can complete a form online by clicking below, or collect a hard copy from the church office.


Easter Flower Donations

If you would like to make a donation for flowers in church over Easter time, perhaps in remembrance of a loved one, please contact the office or speak with Pam Miller.


Mothers' Union Service Invitation

St Peter’s Mothers' Union invite our MU to their Lady Day service on Friday 25th March at 2pm in St Peter’s Church.


Tynemouth Choral Society Concert

Tynemouth Choral Society present an evening concert at St Mary's on Saturday 26th March at 7:30pm. The suitably lenten programme will include:

Ein Deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem) and Giestliches lied both by Johannes Brahms, and Greater love hath no man by John Ireland.

Tickets cost £10 on the door. Please note that this event is being organised by Tynemouth Choral Society and is not part of the St Mary's Concert Series.


Thanks from Marjorie Logan

My daughter Alison has asked me to thank you all for remembering her in your prayers. She is recovering well after her surgery. I would like to add my sincere thanks too. Marjorie Logan.


Sunday 20th March

3rd Sunday of Lent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

Monday 21st March

9:30am Toddler Group

7pm Tynemouth Choral Society rehearsal in church

Tuesday 22nd March

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 23rd March

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

5.30pm Young Notes

6pm Choir Practice

7.30pm PCC Meeting at Whitley Bay Golf Club

Thursday 24th March

9am Morning Prayer

1pm Whitley Bay Churches Together Ministers lunch at St Paul's WB

Friday 25th March

The Annunciation

2pm Mothers' Union Service at St Peter's, Monkseaton.

Saturday 26th March

11.30am Thanksgiving Service for the late David Bottrill

7pm Tynemouth Chorale Society Concert

Sunday 27th March

Mothering Sunday

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist


Your Prayers are requested for

  • Lewis Carmichael

  • Martin Cooper

  • Ron House

  • Daniel

Rest in Peace

We pray for those who have died

Please also pray for

The people of Ukraine

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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©2023 Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monkseaton  |  Registered Charity No. 1131532  |  Safeguarding  |  Data Privacy  |  Giving

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