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5th Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 17th July 2022


5th Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 17th July

8am Holy Communion

Presiding and Preaching:

Revd Peter Dunlop

10am Sung Eucharist

Presiding and Preaching:

Revd Peter Dunlop


Hymns (at 10am)

314 Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise

144 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Trinity Hymn Request by Imogen)

554 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin

666 The Spirit Lives to set us free (Trinity Hymn Request by Suzanne)

Anthem - Behold the Lamb by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend (Trinity Request by David Lax)

Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel


Celebrating Seasons Community Art Exhibition

St Mary's Church 5th - 7th August 2022

The entries came in, the judges sat and now the community show is just waiting for it's summer audience. Local artist Gail Curry invited the community to participate in the second annual community art show and they have responded in some very creative ways to show their creativity and tell their reasons for celebrating their favourite season. The works feature painting, drawing, photography, sewing, tapestry, weaving, felt making, wood turning and origami, so it's a wonderfully diverse exhibition from a very diverse group of people. Visitors are welcome Friday the 5th August and Saturday the 6th August 10am to 4pm and Sunday the 7th August 12.30 pm to 4pm. Entry is free and all are welcome.


Choir at Newcastle Cathedral

Our choir have been asked to sing evensong at Newcastle Cathedral on Sunday 31st July at 4pm - if any of the congregation would like to come to support us, we would really appreciate it! Penny.


Mothers' Union Tuesday 19th July 2.30pm

Our favourite music and strawberries.


St Mary’s 100 Club 2022/23

We're delighted that subscribers to our 100 Club continue to grow in number - currently 67 strong and rising! It's not too late to join in: for just £25, you will be entered into twelve monthly draws with the chance of winning £50, £30 and £20 (in December, £100, £50 or £30). The club also makes a valuable contribution to church funds each year, covering vital costs such as the cleaning of the hall, for which we are most grateful.

How can you join?

  • Transfer £25 using online banking to St Marys 100 Club (Sort Code 20-62-09 Account No. 53160653).

  • Alternatively, pay by cash or by cheque (payable to St Marys 100 Club). This can be posted or delivered to me at 61 Brierdene Crescent, Whitley Bay, NE26 4AD, or to church (should it be required the letter box is in the north door).

  • Pay by card at the church office during office hours, 9.30am - 12.30pm weekdays.

Please would existing members send Roger an email or text confirming payment. New members need to provide their name, address, and a contact email address / phone number so receipt can be confirmed and winnings delivered!

With thanks, Roger Windass

0191 2528048 (home)

07989 973 352 (mob)


Church closed

Except for morning prayer, the Church will be closed on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st July. There will be no 10.30am service on Wednesday 20th.


REMINDER: Trinity Choice

The choir would like to invite you to choose your favourite hymns to sing during Trinity season. Just sign up on the sheet and Mike and Penny will place them in appropriate services.


Sunday 17th July

5th Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

Monday 18th July

9.30am Toddlers

Tuesdays 19th July

2.30pm Mothers' Union

Wednesday 20th July

9am Morning Prayer



Thursday 21st July

Church closed all day

Saturday 23rd July

5.30pm Church closed for Cure Wedding rehearsal

Sunday 24th July

6th Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist


Your Prayers are requested for

  • Lewis Carmichael

  • Daniel

  • Martin Cooper

  • Donna Hanson

  • Ron House

  • Tina Tompkins

  • Oliver Morrison

  • Mary Rose

Rest in Peace

  • We pray for those who have died


  • We pray for the baptism that took place on Sunday 10th July


  • In memory of Alan from Edith and all the family

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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