5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday 15th May
8am Holy Communion
Presiding: Bishop Mark Bryant
Preaching: Shirley Forster, Christian Aid
10am Sunday Worship
Presiding: Nicola Denyer
Preaching: Shirley Forster, Christian Aid
Micah 6: 6-8
Revelation 22: 1-5
Matthew 3:1-10
Hymns (at 10am) Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Christian Aid Week 2022
'Bring, Share, Support'
Saturday 21st May, 11am-1pm

This year, the focus of Christian Aid Week is on vulnerable families who are pushed into hunger by droughts and the increased effects of the climate crisis.
Get involved and help raise money for this cause by coming along to St Mary's on Saturday 21st May, 11am - 1pm. There will be:
Lunch - soup and a roll, tea, coffee and biscuits
Table top sale / swap
Quiz - come meet and chat!
Help needed
Any offers of homemade soup or for help on the day will be gratefully received. Please see Marion after the 10am service on Sunday, or phone 0191 2524845.
We need volunteers to distribute 'postcards' to houses in the parish - just delivering, so much quicker and easier than doing envelopes! You can collect cards on Sunday after the service

The David Murray Piano Show
Thursday 19th May 7pm

We are thrilled to welcome pupils of David Murray to St Mary's to showcase a whole range of pianists at different stages of their careers, from young children to university students and mature students. Expect a very high level of attainment at all levels, and an impressive demonstration of the wealth of talent we have here in the North East. Admission to this concert is free, but there will be a retiring collection to support our Church and Concert Series. Please do still book your ticket by clicking below. A licensed bar will be available from 6:30pm, and during the interval.
For information on all upcoming concerts, please click below.

BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship at Newcastle Cathedral,
Sunday 15th May
BBC Radio 4 will be recording their Sunday Morning Worship programme at Newcastle Cathedral this Sunday, and our very own Revd Benjamin Jarvis will taking part in the service! The service will air from 8:10am.
PCC Meeting Monday 16th May
The PCC will hold its May meeting on Monday 16th. Click below to view the agenda.

Dave Haddock - Plant Nursery
All are invited to Dave's open morning. St Mary's will receive 30% of all sales.
Priory Singers Saturday May 21st 7.30pm - Brahms Requiem
The Priory Singers and Jesmond Choral Group are looking forward to returning to St Mary's on Saturday May 21st at 7.30pm to perform Brahms German Requiem. Conducted by Jonathan Scott and with piano accompaniment, we hope that you will enjoy listening to this beautiful work as much as we enjoy singing it. Entry is £10 on the door. For more information contact Alison on 0191 253 2811.

Ascension Day
Thursday 26th May 2022
7:30pm Sung Eucharist
All are welcome to our evening service, when we will celebrate the ascent of Jesus into heaven on the fortieth day after his Resurrection.
Mothers' Union: An Object of Meaning
Tuesday 17th May 2.30 pm in Church
Please bring an object from home to talk about.
Prayers - Doreen Lunn
Tea - Beryl Austoni

Friday 13th May
1pm Older People Spirituality Group
5-9pm Yoga Hens in Church
Sunday 15th May
5th Sunday of Easter
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
12pm Baptism
Monday 16th May
9.30am Toddlers
7.30pm PCC Meeting in church
Tuesday 17th May
2.30pm Mothers Union in church
Wednesday 18th May
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Communion, Peter Dunlop
5.30pm Young Notes
6pm Choir practice
Thursday 19th May
4pm Church in use for rehearsal
7pm The David Murray Piano Show
Saturday 21st May
11am - 1pm Christian Aid Event
7.30pm Priory Singers Brahms Requiem
Sunday 22nd May
6th Sunday of Easter
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Your Prayers are requested for
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
James Paul Walker (baby)
Luca (baby)
Alice Holt
Johnathon Elliot
Audrey Searle
Rest in Peace
We pray for those who have died
Rest in Peace Anniversary
May McDermott
David Strachan
We pray for Isaac Lillie who will be baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 15th May.
Pray for
Rachel Johnson and Engelstin Maliakkal, to be married at Ripon Cathedral on Saturday 14th May.
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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