Worship with us this Sunday!
This Sunday is the 6th Sunday after Trinity.
Use the links below to find out about our services, to sign up to join us in person (where required), or to access our live stream video.
Join us in person! Go to our Services & Worship page to find out about all of our upcoming services. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
Join us Online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live for our 10am Sung Eucharist, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
Junior Church! We have our Junior Church on this week, as part of our 10am Eucharist. Find out more, and sign your young ones up by clicking or tapping on this link:
This Week's News
100 Club
Thanks to the 68 people who have signed up so far. Just need another 32 or so! There’s still time. You can see full details and info about St Mary's 100 Club here >

Junior Church
Junior Church continues this Sunday. The group will have age-appropriate activities, songs and stories in the Hall, joining the main service at the end to receive Holy Communion or a blessing. Spread the word! Find out more and sign up by clicking or tapping the link below.
Gardening Help!
As you know we are going to redesign our gardens but until that goes ahead (soon we hope!) could you spare an hour or two to help on Saturday 17th July at 10am? The gardens are looking a little neglected. Please bring your own gloves and tools. Thank you, Cheryl
Thank you from Pam & Mandy
Thank you for the beautiful flowers, cards, messages, prayers and thoughts that have been sent to us following Steve’s passing. We are still coming to terms with this very sudden loss.
Love Pam and Mandy Rackham
Thank you from Mary
I cannot thank you enough for the lovely Prayer Shawl you have made for me. It is a great Blessing to know I am being loved and thought of in my distress. With heartfelt thanks and love. Mary Weir.
Thank you from Elizabeth
Thank You to everyone at St Mary’s for all your kind thoughts, prayers, cards, flowers and messages of encouragement following my recent accident. With love from Elizabeth Charlton.
Thank you from Ruth
Thank you all for the lovely Prayer Shawl Eileen delivered to me. I haven’t been very perky recently but I’m on the mend. With others I have knitted lots of Prayer Shawls but never have the words on the accompanying card meant so much to me. With many thanks and love from Ruth (Blake)
Office Administrator Vacancy Deadline
Many of you will know that Dot and Carol are retiring from working in our church office. There will be an opportunity to thank Dot and Carol for their years of service in the Autumn, but for now this means we are looking for a new administrator. This new role will be an employed, permanent, part-time position of 15 hours per week. If you or anyone you know would be interested in applying, have a look at our dedicated page, and share it!
The Deadline is this Wednesday at 5pm!

St Mary’s Autumn Fayre Update
The autumn fayre scheduled for Saturday 2nd October will take place as a virtual fayre online through the website. There will be virtual stalls, a virtual auction and raffle and so on. There could even be a cake and preserves stall! We're in the very early stages of planning so there will be more details soon.
Sunday 11th July, 6th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist and Junior Church
Monday 12th July
4pm Concert Series Meeting, via Zoom
7:30pm Finance Group, via Zoom
7:30pm Deanery Synod, via Zoom
Tuesday 13th July
9am Morning Prayer
2pm Welcoming, Integrating &Caring Group, via Zoom
2pm Buildings & Resources Group, in church
7:30pm Service Planning Group, via Zoom
Wednesday 14th July, John Keble
9am Morning Prayer
9:30am Private Prayer time until 12pm
7:30pm Standing Committee, via Zoom
Thursday 15th July, Swithun
9am Morning Prayer
Saturday 17th July
10am - church gardening - help needed! (See article above)
Sunday 18th July, 6th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
Tyneside Mind Charity
Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. But hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling. Mind believes no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. They listen, give support and advice, and fight your corner.
To find out more about 'Mind', including how to use their services, or if you’d like to donate to this cause and support this mental health charity then please visit our dedicated page by clicking the link below:
Find out about Tyneside Mind >
For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for
Rose Ketteringham
Martin Cooper
Lucinda & her children
Peter Schofield
Revd Richard Ferguson
Rest in Peace
Robin Gilhespy
Tony Arnott
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list. You can also use the form on the website here to submit a prayer request online.
This Week's Hymns & Readings
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