6th Sunday of Easter
Sunday 22nd May
8am Holy Communion
Presiding and preaching:
Revd Audrey Elkington
10am Sung Eucharist
Presiding and preaching: Revd Audrey Elkington Readings
Hymns (at 10am) 132, 429, 106 Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Christian Aid Week 2022
'Bring, Share, Support'
Saturday 21st May, 11am-1pm

Hopefully this event is highlighted in your diary and you can make it along!
Come and meet up for coffee and a chat, soup and roll lunch and have a go at the quiz. If you have managed to sort out some old treasures, lockdown purchases or quality goods for the Table Top stall, please remember to bring them along on the day and be prepared to take them home if they don’t go.
Everything can be acquired by donation. Boxes for cash and a card reader will be available.

Rosie McMorrow Recital
Sunday 22nd May 2.30pm

Rosie returns to St Mary’s having given a very enjoyable recital last year which featured Elgar’s Sea Pictures. This time she returns with her accompanist Daisie Sitlani, who is headed for postgraduate training at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in September. Together they will perform a programme of songs celebrating Springtime. Refreshments will be served from 2.30pm, the recital will begin at 3pm. For information on all upcoming concerts, please click below.
Ascension Day Thursday 26th May 7.30pm

All are welcome to the Said Eucharist, when we will celebrate the ascent of Jesus into heaven on the fortieth day after his Resurrection.
Pentecost Sunday 5th June 8am and 10am

Please consider wearing something red, white, blue (or all three!) as we mark both Pentecost and the Platinum Jubilee.
PCC Meeting Monday 16th May
Your PCC met on Monday evening and was joined by the Archdeacon of Lindisfarne, the Venerable Catherine Sourbut-Groves. She talked to us about the recruitment process for our new vicar and reminded us about key dates (which were announced at our Annual Parochial Meeting). The advertisement for our new vicar is to be published imminently; the closing date for applications is 22 June, shortlisting is on 28 June and the formal interview process will take place on 21 July. The other main discussion was around financial matters and we explored a range of cost cutting ideas. We agreed to think and pray about this whole situation and make some clear decisions at our meeting in June.
The minutes from both April and May PCC meetings are now available to read in full below.
Church Planned Giving
Rosie Tate, our Planned Giving Secretary, has provided a very helpful update following the visit from Rev Emma Duff.
At the beginning of this tax year we dispensed with giving envelopes with other arrangements now in place. This means we now receive just over 97% of planned stewardship income by standing order (three donors make annual donation by cheque). Four members of the Planned Giving scheme were deceased over the past year, and two new donors joined, so at April 2022 there were 112 parishioners making a regular financial contribution to St Mary’s. Unfortunately, the new donations do not make up the shortfall caused by our deceased members and other reductions in giving – only two members made any increase to their planned giving during the year (and only by £10 a month).
Last year we received c£79,000 net in planned giving, this year the estimate is c£75,750. Currently, we are able to claim Gift Aid back on around 80% of these donations.
We make good use of the Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme (GASDS), whereby Gift Aid may be claimed on cash and contactless donations of £30 or under. We claim on weekly plate donations, donations for votive candles, baptism collections and special donations such as the Autumn Fair, the flower fund and concert donations. For the tax year 21-22 we claimed almost £1600 tax back on such donations (the maximum available being £2000). The SumUp card reader is used very effectively at many events including baptisms and fund raising events.
Liz Hayes, PCC Chair
Group for Older People
Thank you to all of you who came along to help start this new group and contribute to all the decisions about dates, times and activities, as well as enjoying lunch together.
Our next meeting will be on Friday 10th June at 12noon when we will have a snack lunch, look at what we mean by living a spiritual life in our autumn years and finally choose that name for this group which I hope will have a great future.
If you didn’t manage to come to the first meeting you are still welcome to this meeting. Please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule by Sunday 5th June so that I can order food for the lunch.
Please come and make the end of the week joyful! Beryl Austoni.
Reminder: Priory Singers Saturday May 21st 7.30pm
Brahms Requiem
The Priory Singers and Jesmond Choral Group are looking forward to returning to St Mary's on Saturday May 21st at 7.30pm to perform Brahms German Requiem. Conducted by Jonathan Scott and with piano accompaniment, we hope that you will enjoy listening to this beautiful work as much as we enjoy singing it. Entry is £10 on the door. For more information contact Alison on 0191 253 2811.

Saturday 21st May
11am - 1pm Christian Aid Event
7.30pm Priory Singers Brahms Requiem
Sunday 22nd May
6th Sunday of Easter
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
2.30pm Rosie McMorrow and Daisie Sitlani Recital
Monday 23rd May
9.30am Toddlers
Tuesday 24th May
1.30pm Diocesian meeting in church
Wednesday 25th May
The Venerable Bede
9am Morning Prayer
NO 10.30am Holy Communion
5.30pm Young Notes
6pm Choir practice
Thursday 26th May
Ascension Day
7.30pm Said Eucharist
Sunday 29th May
7th Sunday of Easter
Sunday after Ascension Day
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
11.30am Concert Committee meeting
Your Prayers are requested for
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
James Paul Walker (baby)
Luca (baby)
Alice Holt
Johnathon Elliot
Audrey Searle
Marjory Robinson
Rest in Peace
John Reay
William Rowntree
Rest in Peace Anniversary
Mary Danskin
James Thompson
Eric Peel
We pray for Isaac Lillie who was baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 15th May.
Are in remembrance of Eric Peel from Clare and family
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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