Joining us in Church
Our Sunday Services in church are going well and continue this weekend, Sunday 26th July at 10am. Due to social distancing regulations we are limited to 30 people so if you would like to go, and you haven’t already done so, you can let us know you're coming by clicking the link below, or via our homepage. If you are unable to do this you can ring the office beforehand and leave a message on 0191 251 4216. If there are still places available we will add you to the list and let you know.
There are various protective measures in place to make the building as safe as it can be.
It is now recommended that we wear face masks when in the church on Sunday.
You will be able to bring your Planned Giving envelopes to the service.
If you haven't signed up yet, why not give it a go! We'd love to see you!
Come and join us in church this Sunday 26th July 2020. To help us prepare we are asking that you let us know you're coming. You can do that here:
Joining in from Home
This week we have had our internet upgraded, so the intention is to Live Stream the service at 10am. You will be able to join along LIVE as it is happening. If you miss it, it will remain on the Church at Home page all week.
If the Live Stream doesn't work out, or if we suffer any kind of technical difficulty, we'll still be recording, and the service will go on the website by midday. There have been some issues with the sound quality. We know about it, and we're trying to fix it! Thank you for your patience.

If you aren't able to join us in church, you can still join in from home. We are filming our service on Sunday, and it will be available to watch from 10am, (and all next week).
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer will now be said at 9am on Wednesdays and you would be most welcome to attend.
Church Open Times
The church will continue to be open on Wednesay morning after Morning Prayer, until 12noon for Private Prayer - all in the main body of the church. There is no private prayer on Saturdays now to allow for cleaning between church uses.
The Parish Office remains closed and is not accessible to you in person, but Dot and Carol are still working from home and can be reached via email and phone. If you wish to leave any correspondence then please post it through the north door. Thank you for your patience during these very different times.
The flowers in church this week are from Margaret Pettitt and her family, with loving birthday memories of Stephen.
The flowers in the vestibule are from Ruth Blake who, with Tony, would have been celebrating their wedding anniversary this week.
This month Mary Rose celebrates 60 years as part of St Mary’s Parish family. Well done Mary, lets pray for many more years yet!
Sharing News
Do let us know if you or others are celebrating any special event or anniversary or if you have any news you wish to share and we can put this news into our future email letters. You can do this by leaving a message on the church office answerphone 0191 251 4216 or email at:
100 Club
The 100 Club is up and running once more. Thank you to the many who have given their support. Look out next week for the early winners.
Roger Windass
Coffee Morning:
This Tuesday, 28th July is the last Coffee Morning until 1st September. If you haven't been before you'd be very welcome! The Coffee Morning is an informal gathering of people on Zoom between 10:30am and 11:15am.
Click here to RSVP and get a link to join via Zoom. You would need to click on RSVP and enter your name and email address and click on ‘submit’. An email is then sent to you with a link to the Coffee Morning. If you haven’t already got Zoom, you can get it for free on your computer, tablet or phone. You could download it now from
Email Addresses
Can we bring to your attention again that both the office and Rachel’s email addresses have changed. If you can make the change in your contact lists it will make sure that we do receive your emails.
The Office email is now:
Rachel’s email is now:

As you may have noticed the hedges have been beautifully trimmed around the gardens. Thank you to the Charltons for a job well done. Also thank you to Roger Windass for filling a brown bin with weeds from the north flower bed and to Marion Oakes for weeding the entrance path. Tom and I have weed killed the pathways and crazy paving so they should start to die off in the next week. I have also instructed a professional gardener to come and work through the gardens. The dead weeds will be cleared, the borders weeded where necessary and all plants dead headed. The shrubs will also be cut back from the walls of the church and drains. I realize that you may feel that the borders look untidy but they are actually full of diverse butterfly and bee friendly plants! The collage shows what we have. Cheryl
...and continuing with the gardening theme...
Plants Sale for Church Funds
Last year, Dave Haddock, who was running the Tai Chi class in our hall, brought a selection of plants and shrubs to our Autumn Fayre. He is now offering to sell some of his plants which he grows in his Wallsend nursery garden, and he will deliver if local. 30% of sales will be donated to St Mary’s, so be sure to mention St Mary’s when you order!
Order from Dave Haddock: tel. 0191 2524985, mob. 07976 687973, or email: View the Catalogue below.
There is now a new selection of plants in addition to the ones above!
Joining our Mailing List
Do you know someone who would love to get our weekly email? At the bottom of this page (and any page of our website) you can sign up to our mailing list. Spread the word!
For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for
Martin Cooper
Catherine Connors
Emma Campbell
Kate Davson
Olya Bouchard
Jacqui Hamilton
Michael Hampson
Edna Davis
Andrew Harrison
John Cure
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list. You can also use the form on the website here to submit a prayer request online.
Service Transcript
If you would like it, a full transcript of this week's service is available here:
Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page. Recent editions are also available below: