7th Sunday of Easter
Sunday 29th May
8am Holy Communion
Presiding: Bishop John Packer
Preaching: Gwyn McKenzie
10am Sung Eucharist
Presiding: Canon Peter Dobson
Preaching: Gwyn McKenzie Readings
Hymns (at 10am) 137, 16, 32 Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Fire Drill Sunday 29th May
For those attending church at 10.00 on Sunday, please note the following.
After the dismissal, we will be having a fire drill. This is to conform with our fire insurance and Health and Safety policies. The fire whistle will be blown immediately after the dismissal and everyone should leave the building by the main entrance or south door, but not the north door. Please make your way to the main car park. As soon as we’ve all evacuated, we will be able to re-enter the building for Parish Breakfast. Any queries, please speak to David Tompkins.
Pentecost Sunday 5th June 8am and 10am

Presiding: Revd Peter Knibbs
Preaching: Margaret Evans
Please consider wearing something red, white, blue (or all three!) as we mark both Pentecost and the Platinum Jubilee.
Eco Church

Please keep up with your actions and prayers. Last year St. Mary’s achieved a Bronze Award as part of the Eco Church scheme and we are now working towards silver status. We are not alone in our eco journey, but part of the bigger picture of Christians trying to care for God’s creation. To date, here are 4,845 registered eco churches, over 1,890 awards achieved and 25 churches receiving a gold award. Thank you for all the actions already taken and in anticipation of all those to come. The Pledge and Prayer tree is still in place and some of the work produced for last weekends climate themed event, is on the eco table.
Marion Oakes (Eco champion)
Funeral of Jean Goudie RIP Tuesday 14th June 10am

All are welcome to St Mary's for the funeral of Jean Goudie followed by cremation at Tynemouth at 11.15am.
Grounds redevelopment
All being well works will commence on Monday 20th June and will continue for some 16 weeks. Inevitably there will be significant disruption as the project develops and paths are re-laid. Parts of the car park (suitably protected) will be used as a compound. The church and hall will remain open but extra care will be required. Please be aware and follow the signage.
Reminder: Group for Older People
Thank you to all of you who came along to help start this new group. Our next meeting will be on Friday 10th June at 12noon when we will have a snack lunch and look at what we mean by living a spiritual life in our autumn years. Please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule by Sunday 5th June so that I can order food for the lunch. Beryl Austoni.

Sunday 29th May
7th Sunday of Easter
Sunday after Ascension Day
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
11.30am Concert Committee meeting
Monday 30th May
NO Toddlers
Tuesday 31st May
1pm Memorial Service for William Rowntree
Wednesday 1st May
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Communion - Peter Dunlop
5.30pm Young Notes
6pm Choir practice
Thursday 2nd May
Parish Office closed
Friday 3rd May
Parish Office closed
Sunday 5th June
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Your Prayers are requested for
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
James Paul Walker (baby)
Luca (baby)
Alice Holt
Audrey Searle
Marjory Robinson
David Howel
Rest in Peace
Jean Goudie
William Rowntree
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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