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8th Sunday after Trinity, 25th July 2021


Worship with us this Sunday!

This Sunday is the 8th Sunday after Trinity. This Sunday is also Rachel's last service with us as Vicar before she leaves to take up the role of Archdeacon of Northumberland. Rachel has been Acting Archdeacon since January.

Use the links below to find out about our services, to sign up to join us in person (where required), or to access our live stream video.

See below for an Lockdown lifting update.

Join us in person! Go to our Services & Worship page to find out about all of our upcoming services. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:


Join us Online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live for our 10am Sung Eucharist, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:


This Week's News

Step 4 Roadmap out of Lockdown

All government restrictions have ended, but we have been following the latest Church of England advice to ensure that we can continue to worship together safely and with confidence.

Some measures are being relaxed, moving our worship slowly towards the way things were pre-Covid, but some measures are being retained for now. Please do get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.

Measures we are keeping:

  • The wearing of masks.

  • The sign-up for the 10am Eucharist (not essential but helps to speed up the arrival process).

  • Doors open for ventilation.

  • Hand sanitiser available.

  • Rows of seats will be well spaced.

  • Washing and sanitising for the President and Deacon at the Preparation of the Altar and Distribution of Communion.

  • We will not be sharing the wine at Communion yet.

  • We will not be having regular refreshments after the 10am Eucharist yet.

  • The 10am Eucharist will continue to be live streamed.

  • At the 8am Holy Communion, no changes will be made from current practice.

Elements we are relaxing/introducing at 10am:

  • Introduction of a traffic-light sticker system, so you can easily show others how comfortable you are with social interaction.

  • We will be responsible for our own distancing and seating arrangements. Please be bold in sharing your preferences with others around you. This is particularly important at the Peace, which may be shared physically (with immediate neighbours), with their consent.

  • We will be able to sing (if masks are worn; just the Eucharist Setting and Offertory Hymn to start off with).

  • We will come up to the front for Communion.

  • The Noah's Ark children's corner will be available for little ones.

  • Increase maximum capacity (though still retaining spaced seating).

  • Removal of the one-way system (i.e. exit via the Main (West) Door).

Wednesday Holy Communion

Our Wednesday Holy Communion will return on Wednesday 4th August at the later time of 10:30am. The hour between Morning Prayer and Holy Communion will be set aside for private prayer, with music as it has been.


Flowers in church this week have been given by Margaret Pettitt and family with loving birthday memories of Stephen.

Angus Douglas Tate RIP

"Douglas was my youngest brother. He died in his sleep after a short illness which his doctor was unable to diagnose. He was waiting for a scan appointment to determine the cause of the illness. Douglas was many years younger than me. When he was a small boy, I was like a second mother to him, when our own mother was not well. He had a wonderful gentle and caring nature, and was a committed believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. He was a gifted musician on the guitar, a member of a band, and used his gift in church services. For many years he was Chief Steward in the House Carpenters Guild of the Newcastle Freemen. He leaves a wife, Liz, three children, several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please remember Douglas and his family in your prayers."

Marian Burton

Gardening Thanks!

Thank you to all the volunteers that braved the scorching heat to tidy up our garden.

Parish Office Closed

As usual, the Office in church will be closed throughout August, and will reopen on Wednesday 1st September. Any emails and phone-calls will be answered remotely during this period.

Rededication of the Cathedral

The cathedral has been closed since early 2020 for renovations, but this Sunday it will be rededicated by Bishop Christine at a special service. You can find out more and watch the service live here at 3pm. And hopefully, you'll be able to visit from mid-August.



Sunday 25th July, 8th Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist - this will be Rachel's last service with us at St Mary's

Tuesday 27th July

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 28th July

9am Morning Prayer

9:30am Private Prayer time until 12pm

Thursday 29th July, Mary, Martha & Lazarus, Companions of our Lord.

9am Morning Prayer

Friday 30th July

Office closes until 1st September.

Sunday 1st August, 9th Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

12pm Baptism of Harriet & Lillian Woods



Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

Contact Groups - Key Contacts

We’re hoping to have an in-person (plus coffee and cake!) meeting for all Key Contacts in September. This is to say thank you for all the work you’ve done in the last year and to discuss ways of working in the future. Please keep an eye out for further information. Clare

New Creation Book

Derek Burton’s second book, ‘NEW CREATION’ has a new design, more messages, more poems and many coloured images. It is available from numerous retailers and from Amazon UK at £11.99. Click here to have a look >


For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for


Martin Cooper

Lucinda & her children



Maggie Hollis

Alison Young

Ron House

Maureen Roberts

Rest in Peace

Ann Dodgson

Revd Richard Ferguson

Angus Douglas Tate

Ian Johnstone

Please also pray for

Harriet and Lillian Woods who are to be baptised at St Mary’s next Sunday.

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.


This Week's Hymns & Readings


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