9th Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 14th August
Revd Clare Connors will be presiding and preaching at both 8am Holy Communion and 10am Sung Eucharist.
Hymns (at 10am)
631 Tell out my Soul (Trinity Request by Carol Nesbitt and Imogen)
29 Amazing Grace (Trinity Request by Clare Peel)
Communion Hymns:
274 He is Lord
355 Jesus, Name above all Names
541 O Thou, Who Camest From Above
Eucharist setting (at 10am)
David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Appointment of our new Vicar
We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Revd Nigel Taylor, currently Team Rector of Kidderminster Ismere in the Diocese of Worcester. The Licensing and welcome service will take place in the late autumn. Nigel and his wife Kate are very excited at the prospect of serving here.
Please keep Nigel and his family in your prayers as they prepare to move and begin this new ministry.
We thank everyone for their help in this process and we look forward to welcoming the Taylors to our church community.
10th Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 21st August

Bishop John Packer will be presiding and preaching at both 8am Holy Communion and 10am Sung Eucharist.
Wednesday 10.30am Services
The church continues to be open for private prayer from 10.30 – 11.30am every Wednesday. If you would like to attend midweek Holy Communion elsewhere across the summer, the following services are available:
St Peter’s Monkseaton Wednesdays at 9.30am
St Paul’s Whitley Bay Wednesdays at 10am
Donate the cost of a plant

The redevelopment of the grounds is finally coming together...hurrah! We will soon be at the exciting stage of installing the plants. The total cost of these is almost £2000. Thanks to the generosity of Dave Haddock and his nursery we are getting these at cost price which represents a huge saving for us.
Now who would like to donate the cost of a plant no matter how small or large? The plants range in price from £1.58 for a Euonymous to £85 for a Magnolia tree, please see a full list below and a plan for planting. You can donate in a number of ways, and it's up to you if you want me to know who it is from.
See me...I will gladly take your money!
Put your money in the box at the back of the church.
Transfer money using BACS and referencing it PLANTS
Hand it to Sarah in the office in an envelope marked PLANTS
Click below on 'pay online'
Pay by card machine at the office Many thanks, Cheryl Savage.
Church Office in August
The office will be closed next week and also during the week of August 29th. The answer machine will be checked regularly throughout for urgent messages.
During the week of August 22nd, office hours will be 8-9am and 3-5pm.
St Mary’s 100 Club 2022/23

Sadly we have had the poorest response to the 100 Club in the past 25 years. A sign of the times perhaps. The good news is that for those 70 who have (so far) joined the odds of winning have significantly increased. Thank you for your participation, and congratulation to our winners.
July winners:
£50 Jenny Watling
£30 Joy Smith
£20 Marion Oakes
August winners:
£50 Malcolm Macdonald
£30 Ann Elliott
£20 Jenny Dixon
Autumn Fair If you have anything for auction or sale on the day, please contact Tom Savage who can collect or photograph. Many thanks in advance.
Notices and Prayer list There will be no notices next week as the office is closed. If you have a prayer request, please leave a message on the office answer machine (0191 251 4216) or add it to the paper list on the notice board outside the office.
REMINDER: Choir Rehearsals There will be no Young Notes or Choir Rehearsals during August, but we will start again in September.
REMINDER: Trinity Choice
The choir would like to invite you to choose your favourite hymns to sing during Trinity season. Just sign up on the sheet and Mike and Penny will place them in appropriate services.

Sunday 14th August
9th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Monday 15th August
Tuesday 16th August
Wednesday 17th August
9am Morning Prayer
NO 10.30am Service
10.30-11.30am Private Prayer
Thursday 18th August
Friday 19th August
Sunday 21st August
10th Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
Monday 22nd August
OFFICE OPEN 8am - 9am and 3-5pm
9.15-10.15am GLOW fitness in church
Tuesday 23rd August
OFFICE OPEN 8am - 9am and 3-5pm
Wednesday 24th August
OFFICE OPEN 8am - 9am and 3-5pm
NO 9am Morning Prayer
NO 10.30am Service
10.30-11.30am Private Prayer
Thursday 25th August
OFFICE OPEN 8am - 9am and 3-5pm
Friday 26th August
OFFICE OPEN 8am - 9am and 3-5pm
Your Prayers are requested for
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
Donna Hanson
Ron House
Mary Rose
Rest in Peace
We pray for those who have died
Rest in Peace Anniversary
Derek Hayes
Derek Emmerson
The flowers are in loving memory of John and Ellen Charlton, John and Ellen Monaghan from John and Elizabeth Charlton and family.
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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