Worship with us this Sunday!
This Sunday is Advent Sunday, and as well as our 8am and 10am services, please do join us at 6pm for our Advent Carol Service. This will be a traditional service of readings, Advent hymns and choral pieces. Come along and start the new season with us!
You can also join us via our YouTube Channel > or view our upcoming services here>
This week's Bible Readings:
Hymns: 480, 128, 655
Eucharist setting: Grayston Ives "Salisbury Service"
It's concert time!

Join us at St Mary's this Saturday, 27th November, for our final concert of 2021, The Miranda Wright Singers. The evening begins at 7.30pm, and will showcase rising local talent singing Britten, Elgar, Schuman, Handle and Gilbert & Sullivan. To purchase your ticket, call the church office (0191 251 4216), visit the office in person any weekday morning from 10am to 12noon, or click below to buy online.
Candle in memory

Throughout Christmas week, candles in memory of loved ones will be lit and placed on the windowsills in church, lasting for 7 days. Should you wish to remember someone in this way, we ask for a £5 donation per candle; this can be given to the office.
The Funeral of Sylvia McDougle RIP

All are welcome to come and celebrate Sylvia's life at 11.45am on Friday 3rd December at St Mary's.
The Link

Please click below to see the December edition of 'The Link', the newspaper for the Diocese of Newcastle. Excitingly, St Mary's feature on page 8!
Eco Church

Congratulations to everyone at St. Mary's and all those involved with our environmental issues. We have reached the first milestone and received a Bronze Eco Church award. A copy will be going on display, on the church eco board and in the hall.
Children's worship

During our 10am services, we now have special activities for all 4-11 year olds!
Children's activities take place in the Gathering Space. Please contact Mary Cooper for more information, or to help with this very important work (019122525707).
Whitley Bay Fiesta

St Paul's in Whitley Bay extend a very warm welcome to their fabulous fiesta on Sunday 5th December from 11am. Come along for some festive fun!
Parish Christmas cards

This week has seen a fantastic effort to deliver a Christmas card to every home in the Parish; many hundreds have already been collected from the vestibule and delivered to the local community. Each card contains an invitation to St Mary’s for our Advent and Christmas services, so if you haven't already, please do pick up a bundle from the vestibule and help us spread the word!
Grounds redevelopment
We’re delighted to say that the Diocesan Advisory Committee met on Thursday and approved our faculty application. This means we can make plans to start the work. A little bit more preparation needs to be done but we now have permission to take it to the next stage.
Saturday 27th November
4-6.30pm Organ and choir practice
7.30pm Miranda Wright Singers
Sunday 28th November
Advent Sunday
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
6pm Advent Carol Service
Monday 29th November
Day of Intercession and Thanksgiving for the Missionary Work of the Church
9am Morning Prayer
9:30-11am Toddler Group
Tuesday 30th November
Andrew the Apostle
9am Morning Prayer
1.30pm Marine Park First School visit (1/3)
Wednesday 1st December
9am Morning Prayer
10:30am Holy Communion
11.15am Mothers' Union Wave of Prayer
6pm Choir Practice
Thursday 2nd December
9am Morning Prayer
3pm North Tyneside Disability Forum Christingle Service at Shiremoor Centre
Friday 3rd December
11.45am Funeral of Sylvia McDougle RIP at St Mary's.
Saturday 4th December
Sunday 5th December
2nd Sunday of Advent
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
11am Whitley Bay Fiesta
4pm Christingle service
For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for
Anne Otter
Rhona and Douglas Lawrie
Sheilah Young
Martin Cooper
Alison Young
Ron House
Kathleen Dales
Maggie Hollis
Rest in Peace
Sylvia McDougle RIP
Ulrich Bahr RIP
Meriel Ripley RIP
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
Parish Breakfasts return
From this Sunday, refreshments will once again be served after the 10am Eucharist. This will be a much-missed chance to chat and have fellowship after our worship. If you would like to join the parish breakfast rota and serve in this way, please contact the office.
Sound system upgrade
We are aware that there are ongoing issues with our current sound system and PCC has agreed to explore how we will upgrade some of the equipment to ensure that everyone can participate fully in worship. If you are interested in helping with this task in any way, get in touch with Ben or Liz.
Christingle Collecting Candles
It's time to find your Christmas jumpers and search down the back of the settee for any last small change you may have to fill a Christingle collecting candle! When you are next at St Mary's, please take one from the vestibule and remember ALL are welcome to our Christingle Service at 4pm on December 5th. ~Sue Channing.
100 Club Winners
Congratulations to our November winners:
£50 Judith Stoker
£30 Tony Garland
£20 Jill Politch
Covid 19 Update
As we can see from the news, Covid remains a huge problem throughout the country. We have been discussing how we deal with the various issues, and this is where we stand at the moment:
There is no longer any need to register for services
We will only issue red badges as requested to indicate that you're still being very careful about social distancing
Please continue to wear masks
Parish breakfast will not be restarting yet
We have no plans yet to start administering the wine at communion
We will continue to review our Covid risk assessment and make changes when we think it's safe to do so.
Please don't hesitate to speak to us or any of the staff team if you have any concerns or questions. David and Sue, Wardens.
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