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All Saints Sunday, 31st October 2021


Worship with us this Sunday!

All Saints Sunday will see us remembering the saints who have gone before us, and seeking to follow their example. Join us in person, or via our YouTube Channel >

This week's Bible Readings:


This Week's News

Autumn Fair Saturday 30th October

Our Annual Autumn Fair is here!

This Saturday, from 1pm till 3pm, we will be hosting stalls and refreshments at St Mary's - we would love to see you there.

Our Online Auction also runs until end of Friday 29th. Check out our dedicated page below for a last minute buy!


All Souls Memorial Service

The All Souls Memorial Service, which remembers lost loved ones, is this Sunday 31st October at 4pm, with refreshments served from 3:30pm.

At the service the names of our loved ones will be read out, and you may light a candle in their memory.


Next in our Concert Series

On Sunday 7th November at 3pm, Rosie McMorrow will be performing at St Mary's. Rosie is a singer and cellist, a recent music graduate of Newcastle University, and currently a music scholar at St Andrews church in Newcastle.

This is a free event, and whilst tickets help us to plan for numbers, they are optional. Feel free to simply turn up on the day - tea and coffee will be served from 2.30pm.


St John's Christmas charity market

On Saturday 6th November, 10am - 12pm, St John's are hosting their annual Christmas charity market.

Rick and Sue Channing will be there with Traidcraft, and all are welcome to pop along and support.


DePaul Christmas "Hamper" Appeal

We have been asked along with other local churches to collect goodies for local needy youngsters who are helped by the DePaul Trust charity. This will be the last time. These unexpected gifts are always greatly appreciated; often they will be the only Christmas present received. This year we are asked for packs of chocolate bars (kitkat or similar). The familiar box will be in the vestibule as usual, and thank you in advance for your kindness. Thelma Gilhespy


100 Club Winners

Congratulations to our October winners:

  • £50 Ann Garland

  • £30 Pat Bottrill

  • £20 Audrey Searle


Covid 19 October Update

As we can see from the news, Covid remains a huge problem throughout the country. We have been discussing how we deal with the various issues, and this is where we stand at the moment:

  • There is no longer any need to register for services

  • We will only issue red badges as requested to indicate that you're still being very careful about social distancing

  • Please continue to wear masks

  • Parish breakfast will not be restarting yet

  • We have no plans yet to start administering the wine at communion

  • We will continue to review our Covid risk assessment and make changes when we think it's safe to do so.

Please don't hesitate to speak to us or any of the staff team if you have any concerns or questions. David and Sue, Wardens.



Sunday 31st October, All Saints Sunday

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

12pm Baptism of Gabriel Hooks

4pm All Souls service

Monday 1st November

9.30-11am Toddler Group

7.30pm Finance Group meeting on zoom

Tuesday 2nd November

No Morning Prayer

Wednesday 3rd November

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

1.30pm School visit

6pm Choir Practice

Thursday 4th November

No Morning Prayer

Sunday 7th November, 3rd Sunday before Advent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

12pm Baptism of Lucy Margaret Douglas

3pm Rosie McMorrow recital (2.30pm refreshments)

Monday 8th November

9:30am-11am Toddler Group


For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for

Rhona and Douglas Lawrie

Sheilah Young

Martin Cooper

Alison Young

Ron House

Sylvia McDougle

Kathleen Dales

Maggie Hollis

Rest in Peace

John Young RIP

Margaret Owen RIP

Albert Abernethy RIP

Anne Mendham RIP

Kenneth Humble RIP (anniversary)

The flowers in church this Sunday are in memory of Kenneth Humble, RIP.

The flowers in the vestibule this Sunday are in memory of Albert Abernethy, RIP.

Please also pray for

Gabriel Hooks who will be baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 31st October.

Lucy Douglas who will be baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 7th November.

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

Safeguarding and Cameras

As part of our legal safeguarding requirements we must ensure that no-one is photographed or filmed without their permission. We have certain areas in church (including the Noah’s Ark corner) that are always off-camera, but when people come up to receive Holy Communion it is impossible not to walk in view of the cameras. Because of this we are experimenting with ways of obscuring the distribution of communion from the cameras. This will inevitably affect the experience of those joining in at home, and we always hope that we can be as inclusive and welcoming as possible, however, this should be balanced with continuing to provide a safe and secure environment for all. Apologies to those joining from home who will not enjoy the changes. If you have any queries or concerns about this, please get in touch.

Sue Johnson, Church Warden and Parish Safeguarding Officer

Streaming camera new location - awareness and safety

Please be aware that there is now a camera alongside the pillar next to the prayer candle stand, and a protected cable run from there to the wall socket nearby. The cable is secured, but be aware of this change for your own safety when walking in the north aisle. The camera has been moved as the church is being used more and more by various groups and this means we don't have to move the equipment several times a week.

Ben, Liz and The Wardens


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