Candlemas, 30th January

This Sunday is the festival of the "Presentation of Christ in the Temple" also known as Candlemas. The infant Jesus was brought to the temple by Mary and Joseph to give thanks for his birth, and was recognised as the Messiah by the elderly man Simeon.
This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate as a community, from the youngest to the oldest, and we would love to see you there.
We are also extending a special invitation baptism families, so that they can be welcomed by the whole church family. Stay for cake and refreshments afterwards!
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Readings this Sunday:
Hymns: "A Wish For Peace" and "This Little Light of Mine" by Young Notes
Eucharist setting: David Thorne, "Mass of St Thomas"
Covid-19 Update

The Government’s Plan B measures have come to and end, and the Church of England has updated their guidance which acknowledges both the continued risk the virus poses, and also that we are moving from a pandemic towards an endemic situation where emergency measures are no longer required.
As a church, we will go back to how we were operating before Plan B, i.e. whilst the legal requirement has been removed, we will still be asking (for now) that visitors continue to wear a face covering in church unless exempt.
Brett Vallis News
Many of you will remember Brett Vallis, curate here 2002-2005. Very sadly, his wife Jacquie died earlier this month.
Her funeral will be on Friday 4th February 2022 at 11am, at St Mary’s & St Cuthbert’s Church, Chester le Street, DH3 3QB. This will be followed by a natural burial at Belsay.
Everyone is welcome to the service, which will also be livestreamed. There will also be a Just Giving page in her memory.
Please keep Brett and daughters Rachael and Hannah in your prayers, and for further information, speak to myself. Sue Johnson.

As our church life rebuilds, it would be really good if someone could feel that a way forward for them would be assisting with the valuable work of Traidcraft. A fresh pair of eyes and a desire to help 3rd world countries would be marvellous. Please talk to myself to find our more, or contact the office. Rick Channing.
Alison Rudd Organ Recital
Alison will be playing some of her own work at the Cathedral on Monday 31st January at 1pm. There will be no entrance charge, but a retiring collection will be taken.
The Children's Society

The final figure raised from the Christingle service was £341.49p amazing, thank you , who knew there was so many coins around ?
Good news, after much campaigning by the society the School Uniform Bill will help make sure uniforms the are now affordable for all families. Rick and Sue Channing.
Eco Church Update

As we have now moved into a new year, this seems a good time to reflect on how we are doing at St. Mary’s, on our journey towards net zero carbon by 2030. Two years ago, we joined the Eco Church scheme. This was a time that turned out to be anything but normal, but we have still managed to make some good progress. Over the last year we have had a lot of church groups and individuals becoming involved to help achieve our goals. We have implemented a Church Environmental Policy; completed an energy audit; changed to greener energy suppliers; reduced paper usage; reduced chemicals and plastics in many areas of church life and we are encouraging the use of environmentally friendly and Fairtrade products.
At the end of last year, we achieved our Bronze Eco Church award. Now, as we work towards achieving silver, then gold status, the harder work begins. We will continue to work through the areas highlighted in the eco survey we completed at the beginning of this process. The newly received results of the energy survey, will be studied and any appropriate changes made. The grounds redevelopment work when underway, will incorporate many positive, environmentally friendly ideas. This year we hope to get everyone engaged, talking environmental issues and caring for God’s creation. We can make a concern for the environment a way of life and not just a tick box exercise.
As individuals we have all become aware of the many disasters throughout the world and the effects our actions are having on the planet’s resources and wildlife. As both a church community and as individuals we can work together to help restore that world balance. We know the climate emergency is with us now and affects us all. Hopefully we can all contribute to helping to slow down the process.
If you haven’t already, please consider a new action you personally can take, that will help to make a difference. Add it to the Pledge and Prayer tree displayed in church, paper leaves are beside the tree for writing on. It has been dormant for a while, but it would be good to see it flourish. Marion (Eco champion)
Mothers' Union A.G.M
The A.G.M is to be held on Tuesday 15th February at 2.30pm in the CHURCH HALL. Papers for the A.G.M. are in the church vestibule. Gillian Macdonald
Living in Love and Faith
How do questions about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage fit within the bigger picture of the good news of Jesus Christ? What does it mean to live in love and faith together as a Church?
From Sunday 6th February we are hosting 5 short sessions in church where we can have these discussions and feed back to the Church of England our views.
You don't have to commit to all of the sessions, but please express your interest using the button below. It is so important that we share our views and have these discussions.
You can view a video introducing Living in Love and Faith below, or click here to learn more.
Sunday 30th January
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Family Eucharist
Monday 31st January
9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Toddler Group
Tuesday 1st February
8:45am King's Priory Chapel Service
9:30am Morning Prayer
Wednesday 2nd February
8:45am King's Priory Chapel Service
9:30am Morning Prayer
10:30am Holy Communion
6pm Choir practice
Thursday 3rd February
8:45am King's Priory Chapel Service
9:30am Morning Prayer
Friday 4th February
8:45am King's Priory Chapel Service
Sunday 6th February
4th Sunday before Lent
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
11.45am LLF session 1
For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for
Rhona and Douglas Lawrie
Martin Cooper
Alison Young
Ron House
Maggie Hollis
Rest in Peace
William Mood
Pat Baker
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
New Sound System
The PCC have agreed to fund a new sound system for the church. Most of the money has come from a grant. A small team lead by Kate Stobart will be taking this forward so, in time, the sound quality will improve noticeably, especially for those who use the loop system.
100 Club
Congratulations to all the January winners from our 100 club:
£50 Hazel Howliston
£30 David Tompkins
£20 Edith Smeatham
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