Worship with us:
Our Sunday Service of Holy Communion is online for the majority of people; only those people with specific ministries essential for worship are able to attend in person.
We are open for Morning Prayer on a Wednesday at 9am, staying open for private prayer until midday.
Whilst nowhere can guarantee 100% safety, we have a thorough risk assessment for this and all activity in church.
Join us online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live at 10am on Sunday, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:
We shall mark the end of the Epiphany season with candles and responses as we usually do. Please have a candle available at the end of the Eucharist on 31st January so you can join in at home.
Join us for a coffee after church!
In the live-stream video description on YouTube (or here) there's a link to join us on Zoom for coffee after the service, at 11am on Sunday (for half an hour). You don't need to have a Zoom account to join, just follow the link. We hope to see you there!
We send our congratulations and best wishes to Revd Dr Benjamin Carter, former curate here at St Mary’s, on his appointment as Canon Warden of Carlisle Cathedral.
The Winner!
Congratulations to Fiona Gould who won the Concert Series Christmas Medley Quiz which was sent out to all those on the St Mary's Concert Series mailing list. Fiona wins two tickets to the Bradley Creswick Concert which we hope to hold on Saturday 8th May. There will hopefully be more news later on of this and other events planned for that weekend to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of our church.
Many thanks
As we come to the end of the Christmas and Epiphany season we send thanks to everyone who contributed in very many different ways to make our church look so wonderful and our worship so meaningful throughout the season during these very difficult times.
It's a pleasure to let you know that our PCC unanimously agreed to St Mary's joining Voda's Community Health Champions scheme, to support and share vital, safe and accurate information about the pandemic with our community. Please click on the links below to find out more about the scheme and the amazing work Voda does in North Tyneside.
The Link
The Link is the monthly diocesan newspaper containing news and human interest stories from the Diocese, as well as regular feature articles from our Bishops and Cathedral. The Link isn’t in print at the moment but you can view it via the Diocesan webpage here:
The Link >
Thought for the Week

Hope everyone is doing ok, and managing lockdown 3.0 well. You’d think we would be used to it by now. I’m writing this sitting at our dining table, with cats and a dog snoozing on the sofas beside me. Remarkably, I have a couple of hours to myself as Iris is at nursery. The boys (both of whom should have had exams this year) are upstairs doing school work, and they tend to appear at regular intervals for food or drinks etc. It might feel to you that this lockdown is worse than those previously, it certainly does to me. I don’t think the wintery weather helps, or the short days and long nights. Having a 3 year old around is I think, both a blessing and a curse. There are no paddling pools in the garden at the minute, unless they’re puddles from the rain, and play parks are mud pits right now. Iris is a typical bouncy and busy toddler and so I’ve had to get a bit more creative to entertain her, as I’m sure most parents and grandparents have done. A list of things we’ve done ….. beach …..baking… painting….. play-doh…. salt dough making….. reading…... stickers... and then repeat, and repeat, and repeat…..Sometimes it all gets a bit much, and I’m ready to drop. But just as I’m practically around the bend, I’ll notice Iris’s happiness with whatever it is we’re doing. Take for example this picture. Iris loves her rock collection. They all have names and are a rock family who love each other very much. In the eyes of a 3 year old, anything and everything is possible. Yes, we have our moments when she is cross, or stubborn, but on the whole every day is there to explore and imagine and joy can be found in the most ordinary of things...like rocks! Whatever you are doing today, however hard these times are, this week I wish you all sparks of joy in the ordinariness, in the usual, or in the monotony of lockdown. Sending so much love from our family to you and yours, and remember….should you have your jabs and when lockdown is relaxed, there’s a 3 year old here who is available for cuddles and fun as soon as you want her. Take care and stay safe everyone! Nic xx
We are having a Confirmation Service on Sunday 9th May 2021 which is also the date of our Dedication Festival as we celebrate our Church's 90th Birthday.
If you would like to know more about being confirmed please get in touch with the office.
Thank You
Thank you for your continued prayers for Olya, our young niece. After almost a year of chemo and radiotherapy the tumour under her ribs has gone down marginally. She has highs and lows but on the whole her spirts are good, undoubtedly helped by your prayers and ours. A difficult operation is now being considered. Whether or not this will go ahead we do not yet know. Please continue to hold her in your public and private prayers. Many thanks, Peter and Rosemay
For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for
Martin Cooper
Olya Bouchard
Chris Taylor
Amy Herbert
Alan and Margaret Stears
Jennifer Stephenson
John Cure
Rose Ketteringham
Rest in Peace
Edna Harrison
Denise Burton
Bessie Raine
George Walker
Terence Dawson
Revd Clem White (Anniversary)
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list. You can also use the form on the website here to submit a prayer request online.
This Sunday's Hymns & Readings
Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page. Sign up below to receive our weekly email by joining our mailing list.