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Mothering Sunday, Sunday 27th March 2022


Mothering Sunday, 27th March

Join us on Sunday at 8am Holy Communion or 10am Sung Eucharist.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel



Hymns (at 10am) 182, 29, 654 Eucharist setting (at 10am) Grayston Ives "Salisbury Service


PCC Meeting March 23rd 2022

The council met this week and agreed to make decisions around our finances in May as we have budgetary challenges to face this year with many rising costs. Covid was discussed and council agreed to the re-introduction of receiving wine from the chalice. This will be explained elsewhere in the notices. We are seeking new members of PCC for next year and volunteers to help with fundraising and would welcome help from anyone who is able to contribute in any way. If you would like more information regarding what serving on the PCC involves, please contact Liz Hayes or Grace Morgan.

Nomination forms can be found on the notice board in the foyer.

Minutes from the February PCC Meeting are now available in full below.


Wine at Holy Communion

Following guidance and advice from the Archdeacons, we are going to be distributing communion in both kinds once again. From Maundy Thursday (the commemoration of the Last Supper) you will be able to receive both bread and wine at Holy Communion if you wish.

Many will still feel like sharing a cup is a step too far just at the moment. It is important to remember that no-one will be compelled to receive the wine. This is something you should do when you feel ready, and you can always change your mind.

There will be more about this in the coming weeks, but in the meantime if you have any questions, please do get in touch.

Revd Benjamin Jarvis


Holy Week & Easter

Holy Week is only a couple of weeks away. This is the most significant time in the church year as we journey through the week leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection.

Through participation in the whole sequence of services, Christians share in Christ’s own journey, from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the empty tomb on Easter morning.

Take a look at the upcoming services below, and plan your week!


Grounds Redevelopment

We are now another step closer to starting the work. The PCC formally approved the amended plan which takes into account the much greater cost than we expected. The Diocese also approved the changes to the plan, and on Monday 21st March we were able to put up the formal public notice both in church and just outside the front door. This has to be in place for thirty days, and work cannot commence until after this time is over. We have a provisional start date of early May, but this may well change.

We would ask for your prayers at this time. We are sailing close to the wind with the budget but have high hopes of getting more grant monies through in due course. There will always be access to the church and hall, but it is possible that we might have to use different entrances at times. Finally, don't hesitate to speak to us if you have any queries. David Tompkins and Cheryl Savage


Concert Series 2022

Our upcoming Concert Series launches on April 30th with Bradley Creswick and his 'Western Swingfonia'. Tickets and programme information for the entire series is available via our dedicated page: click the button below to find out more. You can also buy tickets in person from the office.

You can use the discount code EARLYBIRD10 to get 10% off all tickets bought before 29th April.


Last Sunday, Revd Emma Duff came and talked to us about how her church relies on the generosity of others for her own ministry, and the life of her church, St John's Wallsend. It showed us that not only does our generosity make a difference here at St Mary's (especially with rising energy bills), but to our sisters and brothers who need our help.

Please consider:

  • making a one-off donation either by clicking the button below, or in person at church by cash, card or cheque.

  • committing to giving regularly by standing order; this is the best way to support us. You can arrange this yourself using the details on our Giving page, or complete a giving form in church.

  • updating your existing arrangements to help us better cope with rising costs.

Thank you!


Remembering St Mary's in your Will

If you are able, please consider leaving St Mary's a gift in your will, and you can not only ensure that our church continues to grow and thrive, but offer a final and powerful expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving to God. Pick up a leaflet from church which explains how you can do this.


A message from Margaret Campbell

Margaret would be interested to hear from anyone who might be able to help her with her garden. Please contact Margaret directly, or alternatively, the office.


Thanksgiving Service for the late David Bottrill

Pat and family warmly invite you to a service of Thanksgiving for the life of David on Saturday 26th March at 11.30am in St Mary’s.


Easter Flower Donations

If you would like to make a donation for flowers in church over Easter time, perhaps in remembrance of a loved one, please contact the office or speak with Pam Miller.


Saturday 26th March

11.30am Thanksgiving Service for the life of David Bottrill RIP

7.30pm Tynemouth Chorale Society Concert

Sunday 27th March

Mothering Sunday

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

12pm Concert Series meeting

Monday 28th March

9:30am Toddler Group

11am Toddler Group leaders meeting

Tuesday 29th March

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 30th March

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

5.30pm Young Notes

6pm Choir Practice

Thursday 31st March

9am Morning Prayer

Sunday 3rd April

5th Sunday of Lent

Passiontide begins

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist


Your Prayers are requested for

  • Lewis Carmichael

  • Martin Cooper

  • Ron House

  • Daniel

Rest in Peace

  • We pray for those who have died

Rest in Peace Anniversary

  • Tony Blake

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

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©2023 Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monkseaton  |  Registered Charity No. 1131532  |  Safeguarding  |  Data Privacy  |  Giving

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