Palm Sunday and Holy Week, 10th April 2022

Join us on Sunday at 8am Holy Communion or 10am Sung Eucharist.
We will have a procession at the 10am service. Please bring greenery from your garden and instruments if you have any! Don't worry if not we will have spares for you!
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
8am Palm Gospel: Luke 19.28-40
8am Passion Gospel: Luke 22:39-23:49
10am Gospel: Matthew 21:1-17
Hymns (at 10am) 14, 583, 657 Eucharist setting (at 10am) Grayston Ives "Salisbury Service

Holy Week & Easter
This coming week is Holy Week! This is the most significant time in the church year as we journey through the week leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection.
Through participation in the whole sequence of services, Christians share in Christ’s own journey, from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the empty tomb on Easter morning.
Take a look at the upcoming services below, and plan your week!

Palm Sunday 10th April
8am Eucharist: Full Passion Gospel.
10am Eucharist with the Palm Gospel and a procession around Church - hopefully outside. Please bring greenery from your garden and instruments if you have any!

Monday to Wednesday 11th-13th April
7:30pm Eucharist with reflection each evening of Holy Week.

Stations of the Cross 13th April
10:30am Prayerful service with reflections on Jesus' journey to the cross.

Maundy Thursday 14th April
7:30pm Last Supper, Washing of Feet, and The Watch until midnight. There is a sign up sheet on the notice board for the Watch. Put your name down if you know will be coming, so that the Garden of Repose is never left alone.

Good Friday 15th April
2pm Commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus. Hear the Passion story, with reflections and powerful music.

Easter Dawn Eucharist 5:30am
Starting around the Easter fire, we light the new Easter Candle. We hear the story of our salvation, renew our baptismal vows, and celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter. Bacon sandwiches and bubbly afterwards. Please RSVP if you intend to join us, so we can plan for numbers!

Easter Mid-Morning Eucharist 10am
Mid-morning celebration of our risen Lord!
Golden Wedding Anniversary Thanks
Many thanks to our Church family for all your good wishes, cards, flowers etc on our Golden Wedding anniversary - we were more than overwhelmed!
Carole and David Lax
Mothers' Union Tuesday 19 April 2.30pm in church Speaker: Abby from the Acorns Project Prayers - Tina Tompkins Tea - Sheila Torrance
Eco Church message Click below for a few energy saving behaviours that are easy to implement, which will save both energy and money.
Martin and Mary Cooper Martin and Mary Cooper would like to ask for your help. Martin is to be discharged from hospital and offers of help will be very welcome for Mary to get some respite time. Examples of what would be helpful would include driving Martin to appointments, taking him for a walk and a coffee, or even watching football on the telly. Any help would be gratefully received, please contact Mary (speak to the office if you require contact details).
Raffle update Unfortunately, there won’t be a raffle as we had hoped as currently no-one has stepped forward and volunteered to organise it. This is a shame as we are presently facing large increases in what we are spending on energy, and facing a significant drop in our income for several reasons. We do realise how busy everyone is, but will try again to arrange a raffle later in the year. David and Sue, Church Wardens.
100 Club Congratulations to our April winners:
£50 Dorothy Pickering
£30 Kristen Wakenshaw
£20 Eric Lewis
Office hours over Easter The Church Office will be open as usual (9.30am - 12.30pm) Monday 11th - Thursday 14th April. It will be closed thereafter until Monday 25th April.
Thanks from Pat Bottrill Thank you to everyone who came to David's thanksgiving service. We have raised £650 for the Macmillan nursing team who cared for him.

Concert Series 2022
Excitement is growing for our upcoming Concert Series, which launches on April 30th. Tickets and programme information for the entire series is available via our dedicated page: click the button below to find out more.
GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! You can use the discount code EARLYBIRD10 to get 10% off all tickets bought before 29th April, either online or at the office.
UPDATE: Advice for Wine at Holy Communion
From Maundy Thursday onwards you will be able to receive both bread and wine at Holy Communion if you wish. Please bear in mind the following:
You should not feel pressured into receiving the wine unless you feel comfortable to do so.
You must not 'intinct' the wafer, i.e. if you are going to receive the wine, you must drink from the chalice, not dip your wafer into it. Whilst this seems simple, it can dirty the wine, as well as contaminate the wine for those who require gluten-free communion.
Please do not receive the wine if you are unwell; our advice is still to stay at home if you are sick--for whatever reason.
You do not have to be consistent. If you would like to receive one week, and not the next, that is fine. There will be no judgment on your spiritual practice.
REMINDER: Easter Flower Donations If you would like to make a donation for flowers in church over Easter time, perhaps in remembrance of a loved one, please contact the office or speak with Pam Miller.

Sunday 10th April
Palm Sunday
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist with Procession
Monday 11th April
Monday of Holy Week
9am Morning Prayer
No Toddler Group
7:30pm Eucharist with Reflection
Tuesday 12th April
Tuesday of Holy Week
9am Morning Prayer
7:30pm Eucharist with Reflection
Wednesday 13th April
Wednesday of Holy Week
9am Morning Prayer
10:30am Stations of the Cross
5:30pm Young Notes Practice
6pm Adult Choir Practice
7:30pm Eucharist with Reflection
Thursday 14th April
Maundy Thursday
9am Morning Prayer
11am Chrism Eucharist at the Cathedral
7:30pm Liturgy of Maundy Thursday, with the Watch until Midnight
Friday 15th April
Good Friday
9am Morning Prayer
12pm Church Open for Private Prayer
2pm Liturgy of Good Friday
Saturday 16th April
Holy Saturday
Sunday 17th April
5:30am Easter Dawn Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist

Your Prayers are requested for
Sandra Laurie
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
Ron House
Rest in Peace
We pray for those who have died
Rest in Peace Anniversary
Grenville Jones
Sue Hart
Flowers in memory of Sue will be in church on Sunday 24th April.
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
Easter Flower Donations
If you would like to make a donation for flowers in church over Easter time, perhaps in remembrance of a loved one, please contact the office or speak with Pam Miller.
Wine at Holy Communion
From Maundy Thursday (the commemoration of the Last Supper) you will be able to receive both bread and wine at Holy Communion if you wish. This is something you should do when you feel ready, and you can always change your mind. If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
Grounds Redevelopment
We have a provisional start date of early May. Please don't hesitate to speak to us if you have any queries. David Tompkins and Cheryl Savage.
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