Worship with us this Sunday!
This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and we invite you to join us in church. We have a Eucharist at 8am and a Eucharist with Act of Remembrance at 10am. Everyone is welcome.
You can also join us via our YouTube Channel >
This week's Bible Readings:
Hymns: 153, 144, 494
Eucharist setting: Mass of St Thomas
Vote for your 2022 Charities

Each year we vote on which three charities to support together as a church community; one local, one national, and one international. Follow the link below to see the 2022 shortlist and to vote now.

This weekend there are a number of different ways to join with others in remembering.
Saturday 13th November
11am Act of Remembrance outside Ship Inn and
Black Horse, Monkseaton.
Sunday 14th November, Remembrance Sunday
10am Sung Eucharist with Act of Remembrance at St Mary's.
3pm Remembrance Parade at Cenotaph opposite Spanish City.
Young Notes first rehearsal

This Saturday, 13th November, St Mary's new junior singing group will meet for the very first time! All are welcome to come and give it a try, no musical experience required; rehearsals will be a couple of Saturdays a month, 5.30-6.30pm, with no pressure to make every one. Contact Penny if you have any questions, or just come along on the day!
Parish Christmas cards

As in previous years, we will be sending out Christmas cards to every home in the parish extending an invitation to St Mary’s for our Advent and Christmas services. These will be available to pick up from the vestibule from Wednesday and any help with distribution is greatly appreciated.
Advent and Christmas

Advent is just around the corner, so make sure you take a look at our dedicated webpage to find out about upcoming services, and save them in your diaries!
Click below to find out more about upcoming services.
Sound system upgrade
We are aware that there are ongoing issues with our current sound system and PCC has agreed to explore how we will upgrade some of the equipment to ensure that everyone can participate fully in worship. If you are interested in helping with this task in any way, get in touch with Ben or Liz.
Eco Church

During this time of COP 26, and an increased awareness of the environment, we have a tree in church (north aisle, by the eco board). We invite you to write a new action you can commit to, which would reduce your impact on the climate crisis, on one of the paper leaves provided. A prayer for the climate crisis can be added to the other side. Hang it on the tree, and check out St Mary's very first Parish Environmental Policy on the Eco board!
Miranda Wright Singers, 27th November 7.30pm

Our concert series has afforded us a fabulous autumn of musical talent - next up at St Mary's, we welcome The Miranda Wright Singers. All the singers are pupils of Miranda Wright, from all areas of her teaching practice, including Durham University, Newcastle University and her private practice. A licensed bar is available before and during this concert - click below to book your tickets.
Children's worship at 10am

We are delighted that from next Sunday, November 21st, we will once again have children's activities during our 10am services. Sessions in the Gathering Space are open to all children aged 4+; if you can volunteer to help with this very important work, please contact Mary Cooper (019122525707).
100 Club Winners
Congratulations to our November winners:
£50 Judith Stoker
£30 Tony Garland
£20 Jill Politch
Covid 19 October Update

As we can see from the news, Covid remains a huge problem throughout the country. We have been discussing how we deal with the various issues, and this is where we stand at the moment:
There is no longer any need to register for services
We will only issue red badges as requested to indicate that you're still being very careful about social distancing
Please continue to wear masks
Parish breakfast will not be restarting yet
We have no plans yet to start administering the wine at communion
We will continue to review our Covid risk assessment and make changes when we think it's safe to do so.
Please don't hesitate to speak to us or any of the staff team if you have any concerns or questions. David and Sue, Wardens.
Saturday 13th November
11am Act of Remembrance outside Ship Inn and Black Horse, Monkseaton.
5.30pm 'Young Notes' practice
Sunday 14th November
Remembrance Sunday
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist with Act of Remembrance
3pm Remembrance Parade at Cenotaph on the links, opposite Spanish City
Monday 15th November
9am Morning Prayer
9:30-11 Toddler Group
Tuesday 16th November
Margaret Queen of Scotland
9am Morning Prayer
2.30pm Mothers' Union
Wednesday 17th November
Hugh of Lincoln
9am Morning Prayer
10:30am Holy Communion
6pm Choir Practice
7.30pm Finance Group via zoom
Thursday 18th November
Elizabeth of Hungary
9am Morning Prayer
Friday 19th November
Hilda: Abbess of Whitby
Saturday 20th November
Edmund: King of the East Angles
5.30pm 'Young Notes' practice
Sunday 21st November
Christ The King
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
11.15am Concert Group Committee
For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for
Anne Otter
Rhona and Douglas Lawrie
Sheilah Young
Martin Cooper
Alison Young
Ron House
Kathleen Dales
Maggie Hollis
Rest in Peace
Sylvia McDougle RIP
Joyce Riley RIP
John Young RIP
Margaret Owen RIP
Ulrich Bahr
Please also pray for
Lucy Douglas who was baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 7th November.
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
Mothers' Union
Tuesday 16 November
2.30pm CADA "No More 1 in 3"
Please bring any Overseas boxes and also contributions for our cash collection for the Shoe Box Appeal. Masks to be worn please.
MU corporate communion begins again on 17 Nov. at 10.30 a.m.
Gillian MacDonald
DePaul Christmas "Hamper" Appeal
If you would like to donate some chocolate goodies for local needy youngsters, the familiar box is in the vestibule as usual. These gifts are most appreciated; thank you in advance for your kindness.
Thelma Gilhespy
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