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St Luke, 17th October 2021


Worship with us this Sunday!

Use the link below to find out about our services, to sign up to join us in person (where required), or to access our live stream video. See below for a reminder of our latest Covid measures >

Join us in person! Go to our Services & Worship page to find out about all of our upcoming services. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:


Join us Online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live for our 10am Sung Eucharist, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:



Parish Profile Questionnaires

Thank you very much to everyone who has already completed and returned their questionnaire in contribution to our new Parish Profile. Our PCC are currently working hard to put together a document to help us in the search for our new vicar, and your contributions are very helpful.

All questionnaires must be returned by Sunday 17th, either by handing in your paper copy to the office (open 10am - 12pm weekdays) or by email. If you have not already, you can also contact the office to request a copy.


St Andrew's Prayer for Mission

Churches from across the diocese are gathering to pray for the mission of the Church on Saturday 27th November, 10am-3pm. The day of prayer will take place at St Andrew's Church, Newcastle, and they would be delighted if one or two people from St Mary's wanted to attend. Lunch will be provided, and Eucharist celebrated within the day.

Should you be interested in attending on behalf of St Mary's, please contact the office as soon as possible; an outline of the day can be provided.


Streaming camera new location & awareness and safety

Please be aware that there is now a camera alongside the pillar next to the prayer candle stand, and a protected cable run from there to the wall socket nearby. The cable is secured, but be aware of this change for your own safety when walking in the north aisle.

The camera has been moved as the church is being used more and more by various groups and this means we don't have to move the equipment several times a week.

For your attention and information, Ben, Liz and The Wardens


Birkett and Fisk play Venuti and Lang

This Saturday, 16th October, St Mary's will welcome The Birkett & Fisk duo as the next instalment in our concert series.

Bringing together their shared knowledge of early jazz styles, Emma Fisk and James Birkett present an entertaining, virtuosic and informative programme of music associated with and inspired by the first great jazz violin and guitar partnership. The performance will include original compositions by Venuti and Lang, jazz standards of the 20s and 30s and some of James and Emma's favourite tunes played a la Joe and Eddie.

James Birkett (guitar) is one the country’s most acclaimed guitarists. He developed and led one of the UK’s first degree programmes in jazz and related music, which is now run at Sage Gateshead.

Emma Fisk (violin) has been playing jazz violin since she was a teenager when she soaked up classic Grappelli recordings and was lucky enough to meet the man himself after a performance at Sunderland Empire. As well as performing as a duo with James, she leads her own quartet, Hot Club du Nord.

You can sample music by Birkett and Fisk here or book tickets for the concert here ; alternatively, purchase tickets at the St Mary's office in person 10am - 12 noon every weekday.


100 Club Winners

Congratulations to our October winners:

  • £50 Ann Garland

  • £30 Pat Bottrill

  • £20 Audrey Searle


Covid 19 October Update

As we can see from the news, Covid remains a huge problem throughout the country.

We have been discussing how we deal with the various issues, and this is where we stand at the moment:

  • There is no longer any need to register for services

  • We will only issue red badges as requested to indicate that you're still being very careful about social distancing

  • Please continue to wear masks

  • Parish breakfast will not be restarting yet

  • We have no plans yet to start administering the wine at communion

  • We will continue to review our Covid risk assessment and make changes when we think it's safe to do so.

Please don't hesitate to speak to us or any of the staff team if you have any concerns or questions. David and Sue, Wardens.



Sunday 17th October,

St Luke

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

12pm Baptism of Arabella Christophers

Readings -

NT: James 5: 13-16

Gospel: Luke 10: 1-9

Monday 18th October

9:30am-11am Toddler Group

Tuesday 19th October

9am Morning Prayer

2.30pm Mothers' Union

Wednesday 20th October

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

Thursday 21st October

9am Morning Prayer

Sunday 24th October

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

Monday 25th October

9:30am-11am Toddler Group


For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for

John and Sheilah Young

Martin Cooper

Alison Young

Ron House

Sylvia McDougle


Kathleen Dales

Jenny Watling

Rest in Peace

Alan Furness RIP (anniversary)

Edna Davis RIP (anniversary)

Please also pray for

Arabella Christophers who will be baptised at St Mary's on Sunday 17th October at midday.


Karen Johnston and family would like to thank everyone for their continued prayers for Lucinda and her children which are much appreciated. We are pleased to report we are now past the first hurdle, which has been fairly successful, but we still have a long road ahead of us. We will ask for your prayers again at some point in the near future.


The flowers in church this Sunday are in memory of Alan Furness, RIP.

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

Afternoon Tea in a box

As part of our Mini Autumn Fair on October 30th 2021, Carol Nesbitt and her team are offering beautiful Afternoon Tea boxes - ideal as a gift, or just to treat yourself!

You can eat your afternoon tea in church with friends, take it home to enjoy at your leisure, or perhaps gift one to someone else?

Afternoon Tea boxes can be collected from St Mary's between 1-3pm on the day of the fair. To order (tea for one costs £3, tea for 2 costs £5.50), please put your money into an envelope with your name clearly written on it and place it in the box in the vestibule. Alternatively, email Carol Nesbitt to place your order and receive further instructions on how to pay.

There will be 100 Afternoon Teas available so don’t wait too long before you order yours or you might be disappointed!

An update regarding allergies and Natasha’s Law

Because of the new ‘Natasha’s Law’ regarding food allergies I would like to point out that it’s almost impossible to cover all ingredients. Some of the contents for making up the contents will be shop bought and some will be home made. To be safe, I would suggest that if you have an allergy of any kind, then perhaps the Afternoon Tea Box isn’t for you. I’m sorry if this disappoints some people but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Each box will carry a label stating it contains allergens.

Thank you, and see you on 30th October,

Carol and her Team.


Autumn Mini Fair 30th October 2021

We are very much looking forward to our Autumn Fair this month! Our Fair website is now live - do take a look! For what's going on on the day itself, here's a taster to whet your appetite.

Home Produce

On the day of the Fair, we are going to have a fabulous home produce stall. St Mary's folks are great cake makers - please do contact Ruth Blake if you would like to make one (or any jam, chutney, etc) as a contribution. Items would need to be delivered to the church on the morning of the Fair for setting up / pricing.

'Attic Treasures' and 'Past and Present'

We are seeking vintage, old or new good quality items for an online auction as well as for a stall on the day of the fair. These could include boxed items, good quality jewellery, nests of tables or cameras - please no books, plastic or electrical goods. Contact Tom Savage if you have anything to offer to the fayre - if you have treasured it, someone else will too!


Roadmap out of Lockdown:

A reminder of our latest Covid Measures (valid from Sunday 25th July 2021)

All government restrictions have ended, but we have been following the latest Church of England advice to ensure that we can continue to worship together safely and with confidence.

Some measures are being relaxed, moving our worship slowly towards the way things were pre-Covid, but some measures are being retained for now. Please do get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.

Measures we are keeping:

  • The wearing of masks.

  • The sign-up for the 10am Eucharist (not essential but helps to speed up the arrival process).

  • Doors open for ventilation.

  • Hand sanitiser available.

  • Rows of seats will be well spaced.

  • Washing and sanitising for the President and Deacon at the Preparation of the Altar and Distribution of Communion.

  • We will not be sharing the wine at Communion yet.

  • We will not be having regular refreshments after the 10am Eucharist yet.

  • The 10am Eucharist will continue to be live streamed.

  • At the 8am Holy Communion, no changes will be made from current practice.

Elements we are relaxing/introducing at 10am:

  • Introduction of a traffic-light sticker system: you can choose a red, yellow or green sticker to wear, which will show others immediately how comfortable you are with social interaction.

  • We will be responsible for our own distancing and seating arrangements. Please be bold in sharing your preferences with others around you. This is particularly important at the Peace, which may be shared physically (with immediate neighbours), with their consent.

  • We will be able to sing (if masks are worn; just the Eucharist Setting and Offertory Hymn to start off with).

  • We will come up to the front for Communion.

  • The Noah's Ark children's corner will be available for little ones.

  • Increase maximum capacity (though still retaining spaced seating).

  • Removal of the one-way system (i.e. exit via the Main (West) Door).

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