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The Epiphany and The Baptism of Christ


We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. This week we are celebrating two events in the Church calendar: The Epiphany and The Baptism of Christ.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel


The Epiphany

Join us Thursday 6th January at 7.30pm as we celebrate the arrival of the wise men at The Epiphany.

Hymns: 552, 49, 152

Eucharist setting: David Thorne, "Mass of St Thomas"


The Baptism of Christ

This Sunday we continue celebrating God's revelation through Jesus, and as we remember the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan we give thanks for our own baptism.

Hymns: 85, 150, sheet

Eucharist setting: David Thorne, "Mass of St Thomas"


Next Bishop of Newcastle survey

We are invited to help in the process of finding the next Bishop of Newcastle, following Bishop Christine’s retirement in November. If you would like to contribute to the process, please complete the survey below to tell the Diocese about the qualities and skills you expect to find in the next Bishop. The survey closes at midnight, Friday 14 January 2022.

A public meeting via Zoom will be held on Wednesday 19th January at 7pm to hear views from across the Diocese. To attend, register here

Alternatively please speak to Nicola about this. She sits on the Vacancy-in-See committee which oversees the appointment process.


Funeral Services at St Mary's

The following funerals are taking place at St Mary's to which all are welcome.

Anne Otter RIP

Thursday 13th January 11.45am

Audrey Beckham RIP

Monday 17th January 2.45pm

Heather Rivers RIP

Friday 21st January 1pm

Richard Stokes RIP

Tuesday 25th January 1.45pm

Some of these services are also being live streamed, so if you cant attend in person you may be able to watch online here


Thank you

Huge thanks from the clergy and readers for our very generous Christmas gifts. They were very much appreciated.

Clare, Eileen, Ben, Nicola, Margaret, Eric and Peter.


Godly Play

We will resume on Sunday 9th January 2022 in our 10am services.


Toddler Group

We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 10th January 2022 9.30am.


100 Club

Congratulations to all the January winners from our 100 club:

  • £50 Hazel Howliston

  • £30 David Tompkins

  • £20 Edith Smeatham



Thursday 6th January

The Epiphany

7.30pm Choral Eucharist

Sunday 9th January

The Baptism of Christ

8am Holy Communion

10am Choral Eucharist

Monday 10th January

9am Morning Prayer

9.30am Toddler Group

Tuesday 11th January

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 12th January

Aelred of Hexham

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

Thursday 13th January

Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers

9am Morning Prayer

11.45am Funeral of Anne Otter

Saturday 15th January

5.30-6.30pm Young Notes

Sunday 16th January

2nd Sunday of Epiphany

8am Holy Communion

10am Choral Eucharist


For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for

  • Lucinda and children

  • Rhona and Douglas Lawrie

  • Martin Cooper

  • Alison Young

  • Ron House

  • Maggie Hollis

  • Daniel

Rest in Peace

  • Anne Otter

  • Stuart Hall

  • Michael Clifford

  • Audrey Beckham

  • Heather Rivers

  • Richard Stokes

  • Margaret Adams

  • Pat Baker

  • Georgina Grand

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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