I’m trying to take a walk around the block early every morning. There’s hardly anyone around so, bar the occasional dog walker, it’s just me and my thoughts and a bit of prayer as I plod along. One of my prayers is that I notice things and sure, enough, in the first week or so of lockdown I noticed that there were lots of rainbow pictures in people’s windows supporting the NHS and those who are working so hard to care for people as Covid 19 takes hold of our country. I remember thinking how lovely it was that all this hard work was being recognised and supported.
This last week, however, I’ve noticed a change. The rainbows in windows are still there but suddenly, on the pavements and brick walls, alongside all the hopscotch and hieroglyphics, there are hundreds and hundreds of rainbows drawn by children as they play outside. It’s impossible not to notice them!

This gave me a big ‘ah ha’ moment. While putting rainbows in windows for the NHS is to help spread hope in a difficult time, how else might people of faith see them? Well, this takes us right back to the book of Genesis and the story of Noah. At the end of the flood, God made a promise, a covenant, with Noah and his descendants (so the whole of humanity) to protect and bless them. The reminder for God of this covenant was a rainbow in the clouds. I wonder if, in the darkness and destruction of this brutal pandemic, the rainbow is here to remind us of that covenant. Mediated though our children, the symbol of God’s protection and blessing is appearing in places where we can best see it.
As we move through the clouds of this difficult time, may these rainbows keep pointing us towards the protection and blessing of our God.
Revd Clare Connors
We are aware that as a family, we long to see each other. From this week we are going to be hosting an online coffee morning from 10:30am-11:15am on Tuesdays. Go to ‘Events’ on our website: to RSVP and get a link to join via Zoom.
If you don't already have Zoom, you can get it for free on your computer, tablet or phone. You should download it now from
You can get a step-by-step guide of how to get Zoom on your computer by clicking here.
We’d like to offer our congratulations and best wishes to Richard Hart who is now the proud grandfather of a lovely baby girl – such wonderful news!
100 CLUB
We are delighted to announce the 100 Club April winners: £50 Julia Jones, £30 Alison Telfer, £20 Carole Lax. Cheques will be issued as soon as lockdown is lifted.
My niece Sophie Black has been discharged from hospital after three years! Thank you all for your continuing prayers over this time. With much love and thanks, Clare Peel.
Recognising how impactful the coronavirus and isolation can be to our mental health, The Church of England has provided some mental health resources, including tips for dealing with loneliness, daily reflections on various issues, and links to support providers. You can access the resources by clicking here.
For those of you who know Avis Robinson, just to let you know that she is still in London where she was looking after her Aunt, Ada Avis. However, we now know that her Aunt died towards the end of last week and we send our love and sympathy to Avis and family at this sad time. Avis sends her love and prayers to us all and hopes everyone at St Mary's remains safe and well.

Martin Cooper
Enid Havard
Edna Davis
Tina Tompkins
Lesley Towers
Catherine Connors
Lottie and Daisy
Angus Webb
George David Mendham
Patrick O’Brady-Jones
Ada Avis
Norma Smith
Ken Adams
Don’t forget, you can still add names to the list by emailing or phoning as usual, but don’t forget you need to get the person’s permission before adding them to the sick list.
Do let Dot & Carol know if you or others are celebrating any special event or anniversary so that we can put this news into our future email letters. You can do this by leaving a message on the church office answerphone 0191 251 4216 or emailing us at
